Monday, June 9, 2014


I was reminded of something my Mom would say when I was a child. It is just a silly thing and I do not recall how or why she began saying it. I was watching the news and they were talking about the price of coffee beans going up. The reason for this," there is a fungus among us." That is the little thing I remembered, that little phrase.
These things have a way of cropping up, no pun intended. As I was working at my daughter in laws house I noticed her holly trees looked a little wilted. A closer look revealed, a fungus. Yup, another fungus and it had killed some of the leaves on that tree. I was power washing the rear deck and you guessed it, fungus . I blasted it away, but know that it will return.
Now we have all heard of athletes foot and getting itching in various parts of your body and one of the culprits can be ; fungus. With these warm summer months coming upon us we need to be on our guard. There are fungus, among us ! They may appear at any time and in the most embarrassing of places. Then it is a trip to the drug store for a fungicide.
A mushroom is a fungus, fungi if you will, and quite tasty in my opinion. I especially like them with a sour cream dip. Sauteed mushrooms are acceptable with a good steak. It is the one time I wish for a good warm fungus. I confess to not having tried the portabella version of fungus, the brown color throws me off.
If it involves yeast,mold or mildew it is a fungus. Fungi are everywhere. You could say fungus are like annoying people, everywhere. They just keep showing up. Given where I grew up, with the tourists and all, maybe that is what Mom was referring too. When the weather got warmer, the fungi arrived. There are indeed, fungus among us, and they are everywhere.

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