Friday, June 6, 2014

To what purpose

Underneath all this liberal and enlightened lifestyle anger lies smoldering. Listen to the news on any given night and it becomes obvious. So much violence and senseless slaying of our fellow man. Campus shootings,rage and just plain madness. Without structure, and a clear path to follow, society has become lost. The idea of, just do your own thing, is a philosophical failure. Only by working together, using common sense and common goals can anything notable be achieved. What I see now is nothing more than a groping in the dark. Throw money at this problem, provide excuses for failure and hold no one accountable. Any delineation of moral behavior is be attacked as religious belief and that is not to be tolerated. Science can solve all our problems. Science and the logic of man. But of what comfort is this science and logic ? The only comfort from science may come in the form of chemicals. Taking the right pills can alter your attitude, that much can not be denied. The logic provides the basis for using those chemicals. The primary fault lies in that logic. We should not be dependent upon science to provide our comfort, that comfort must come from within. We achieve happiness from accomplishing our goals. How can we achieve what is not defined ? What is the goal in today's world ?
There was, and still is in some circles, the desire to lead a good and moral life. The reward of that life is a life everlasting. Whether that is a reality or just a " fairy " tale as many now want to say, is not really the most important part of the issue. It is more about the definition of our roles. By knowing and striving toward a goal one can find happiness. If you are constantly changing your destination how can you hope to get anywhere ? It is this constant changing that leads to the anger and frustration that we see today. With no measurable results, and nothing to measure those results against, can we expect otherwise ?
What we want and need is the acceptance of our fellow man. It is a basic need. That acceptance is achievable if we follow a few simple rules. One rule in particular, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Gosh, that sounds familiar. Wait, is that religion ? Maybe it is also a scientific fact. Science and religion can co-exist. I believe that balance needs to be restored. I believe that is the driving force behind the evil in the world. Man doesn't know it all, and the sooner we grasp that reality the better off we will be. The world is not about me, it is about us. Conscience is a powerful tool and sadly it seems to be lacking. Is not any religions purpose to instill a collective conscience ? With that collective conscience comes a collective goal. The question each of us has to answer is, what is that goal ? 

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