Saturday, June 7, 2014

A little consideration

More and more I see Facebook becoming a true reflection of our society. At first most were polite and kind towards one another. That is certainly changing. The propagation of potty mouth has definitely increased. Perhaps it is just my age but I find it offending my sensibilities more each day. More and more I find myself hitting the " hide this post " button. Sensibility is defined as the capacity to feel or to perceive, it is also an emotional response. I looked up the word sensible to see if I was so. Sensible, showing good sense, having or demonstrating sound reasoning or judgement. Practical. Subject to perception,able to be perceived. I believe that would apply to me. Of course that is just my perception of things.
I do enjoy the social interaction, especially with those that live in distant areas where I otherwise would not have an opportunity to do so. My " circle " of friends is not large compared to many others on this network. A check shows a list of one hundred eighty. I wouldn't think it was a representative sampling of our society. It is that thought I find the most troubling. Given the language and postings I often receive with this small sample I am left shaking my head and questioning. I do not think I have become overly sensitive. I consider myself fairly current. I think I am just surprised where this language and postings are coming from. My contemporaries ! Have they forgotten the lessons of their youth ? Many I knew growing up and they were not like that. What has happened ?
I have written about this before and explained that I just feel there is a time and place for everything. Sensibility is the word that describes what I am saying. Being sensible is what I am talking about. I am well aware that there are people, friends and acquaintances, on this network that have different views than my own. Their choice of lifestyle or language is not in agreement with mine. I try to keep that in mind with my own postings. It is a little thing called consideration. I'm not calling for anyone to change their ways, or surrender to some preconceived ideas of conformity, I am asking for consideration. And I ask those that would post items of a " questionable " nature to remember there are children on here. I know the rules say they shouldn't be, but we all know they are.
I will say this, I am not going away. Change cannot be effected by running from the issue. I do not expect others to go away either. I do not wish to create an issue. What I am doing is making others aware of my feelings and thoughts. Yes, they can be different than yours. I also believe that we all have good common sense. I feel that some are not exercising that same good sense. That is when my sensibilities get offended. I'm quite sure that it happens to you as well.
There is an old phrase that explains what I am talking about, In Polite Company. I'm thinking that is what I get offended by, the lack of acknowledgement of that situation. Ideally, we on Facebook and other social media, and when in public should behave as though we are in polite company. I will try to remain polite,cordial and temper my opinions. I will not withdraw from society nor rage against it. I will keep stating my opinions.

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