Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cupcake Memories

Tonight is the graduation ceremony for my granddaughters fifth grade class. She will be giving an address and I couldn't be prouder. After tonight she will be a " middle schooler. "  Isn't it a wonderful thing to use such titles ? Kinda takes you back doesn't it ? The one thing I do find a little strange is school is not over officially until this Friday. She still must attend Wednesday, Thursday and half a day Friday. Seems like if I graduated, I'm outta there ! Well, they do things a little differently nowadays. It probably has something to do with this common core I'm always hearing about.
It will be a bittersweet time for Grandma and I. No more Grandchildren in Elementary school after this year. As my own mother is fond of saying, times marches on ! We are glad to see them grow, learn and be successful, while all the time wishing they would stay little. You can't fight the tide however and it is best to go with it. Off to the middle school.
We can not help but remember all the times we took her to the bus stop. Every school day since she was in pre-school one of us has taken her to catch the bus in the morning. Rain,sleet,snow,cold,hot,windy or whatever, we made the journey. Every day one of us waited for her return. It is a welcome sight, her with her backpack, smiling and waving. Grandpa always carries the backpack home and listens to the days events. Nothing like hearing about their day while it is still fresh in their minds. I have heard everything from I love school to I hate school. I have heard about assigned seating,unassigned seating,homework,book reports, papers and recess. Grandma and I have taken countless cookies and cupcakes to the school for all those special occasions. How many hours were spent in the kitchen making those treats, how many hours spent with her decorating those cakes and cookies. All such good memories. We have just one more cupcake memory to make and elementary is over.
I think I will miss all of that next year. Middle school is so much more formal. Sure, we go to the awards ceremonies and we even went to a grandparents day but it isn't the same. Kids in middle school want you to be there but would rather you were not seen. It is one of those ironic twists in life. Remember when we would say, children should be seen and not heard ? Well, there you go. Now Mark and Morgan will be getting on the bus together at their house. We won't see them until after school, if they choose to come to Grandma's house. We are sure they will come however, they'll be hungry !
Morgan read her address to me as a form of practice. I listened to her words and was impressed. She composed a very nice little speech. She calls it a poem and because she is the author I can not take issue with that. I do not want to give away the whole speech but will share a portion. Morgan says,and I quote, " you cannot read the next chapter, If you keep rereading the last. " Profound words from a elementary school student ! She is ready for the next chapter .

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