Friday, June 27, 2014

Ideas to action

Ideas to action is something I have trouble with. I am full of ideas but a little slow to put them into action. Procrastination is the word. I had a triangle shaped pillow, yellow with black lettering, on my bed when I was a kid with that very word written on it. How or where it came from I do not recall. I do remember the word procrastination. I remember thinking it was a pretty big word. I didn't know it would be so applicable to me. Maybe whoever gave me that pillow was aware, prophetic even ? Strange how things work out.
I am full of ideas,as my Mom is fond of saying. I always find some excuse for putting it off however. Most times it is a lack of time and materials. That is my favorite reason. If only I had this or that. Other times I can see the project completed in my mind and that is enough to satisfy me. Is it a lack of ambition ? I suppose a case could be made for that. Or perhaps it is a lack of confidence in my ability to complete the project. Very seldom am I completely satisfied with the results I do achieve. Whatever the reason I am aware of it. They say awareness is the beginning of change. That very well may be but I still need to start. Maybe tomorrow is the day.
I have always found it difficult to stay focused on a specific thing. I have always chalked that up to curiosity. Seems like once I gain a basic understanding of something, I tend to move on. The old jack of all trades and master at none syndrome. I think I get that from my father. That man could do just about anything. I'm not quite the same because he could do everything better than I can. However this came about I often think about changing it, focusing on one thing, applying myself as my teachers used to say. How many times I heard that phrase, if you would only apply yourself, buckle down. Arrg. Good thing I am not in school today or they would be saying I have A.D.D. or some such and wanna give me pills. They might even think I'm nuts !
I am thinking it is time to take action on some of these ideas of mine. I could start with the little ones. In fact, I already have ; sorta. A lot depends upon how you choose to measure progress. Another problem I have is deciding which idea to act upon. I wonder why I sometimes feel selfish if I choose to do a project solely for myself. I wonder too, if it is that or a lack of praise when the project is done. Am I motivated by positive reinforcement ? Certainly,we all are but shouldn't we be self motivated ? That is a question on job applications, isn't it ? The implication there is you should do what needs to be done without being told. I will say this, I like to see results right away. Instant gratification, and it is a fault. I am impatient. That is something I need to work on. And with that I have reached a decision, I need to wait,be patient. Yes, I had best not rush into anything. Careful thought and consideration before starting a project or implementing an idea isn't procrastination now is it ? Nah, guess I'll wait just a little while longer and think it over. It is what men do !

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