Saturday, June 21, 2014

A life condensed

I have noticed as I age that I have become more contemplative about things. Some would say that it is a sign of maturity and others say it is a sign of other things. Whatever the case may be it is a reality. Random thoughts enter my mind and I begin to think about them. Yesterday I picked up some pictures from the drug store. There was a little mix up at first and I was given an envelope that did not have my pictures in it. I told the cashier I had no idea who those people in the pictures were. I did receive my photos and left the store. It was then I began to wonder what happens to those other photos ? I wonder how they will figure out to whom they belong. I would just wait and I am sure someone will come to claim them. Those memories belong to someone.
It was that little incident that caused to me to think some more. What will happen to all my pictures when I am gone ? Not just when I am gone though, I mean when there is no one that  is connected to those memories ? Old photographs just go into the trash at some point. That is a depressing thought. Old photo albums face the same fate. There should be a place for these things to go. Imagine the images that have been lost. It is true that pictures retain memories. It is also true that pictures can hold nothing more than mystery. I have some of those that belonged to my father. Nameless faces looking at the camera. I can deduce the approximate year and place but that is all. I can not bring myself to just discard them. They did belong to my dad and I guess that is the attachment I have. To another they would mean nothing at all.
I wonder if there is a way to make your memories (photos ) retain interest to others ? What method may be employed to give value to those pictures ? Beyond a personal connection what could it be ? How to make it appeal ? If you are a celebrity that happens naturally. If you are just the common Joe, not so much. Yet each of us have a story to tell. Each picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. I have millions of words ! The thing is though, those words must come from the one taking the picture. It is also true the same picture may have different stories, depending upon who is doing the telling !
I think if we could most of us would want a museum of our life. We want our things and thoughts to remain forever. It saddens us to think our prized possessions may just be discarded some day. There should be more than a marker in a graveyard left behind. Most of us will be remembered two, or possibly three generations out. Much beyond that and you are lost. That thought bothers me. I, selfishly, want more than that. I hope to at least be mentioned way into the future. Mythical status would be great ! I'll have to give this matter further thought and consideration.
It would be difficult, but achievable, I think. What if I assembled a treasure chest full of my memories and possessions. I can tell the story of each item. That might prove interesting to someone even if they do not have a personal connection. Curiosity is an attractive thing. Maybe that would work. Is it possible to put your life in a box ? I may have to find out. Telling the condensed version is a challenge. Readers digest always managed it so it is possible. Hmm, something more to consider.

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