Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I saw a brief mention of a supreme court ruling. It was not prominently displayed and the report on its' exact content was sparse. I am not currently a gun owner but fully support the second amendment. The opinion of the court was that it was legal to ask the purchaser of the gun what his /her intentions were following that purchase ? Somewhat vague in its' explanation as to what exactly that meant I did read on. Apparently a police officer, being able to purchase a gun at a discount, did so and subsequently sold that same gun ( legally ) to his uncle. The court decided that he had violated the law by purchasing a gun and then subsequently selling that gun. The interesting part to me is that all this was done legally. The proper paperwork was filled out and filed. That is pretty much where this story ended. I was left thinking about the implications.
Should I choose to purchase a gun I will now be required to state my intentions for this gun. Why should that be ? If my intentions are legitimate why are they being questioned ? Am I not presumed to be a law abiding citizen ? If I fill out all the proper forms and pass the required background check is that not sufficient ? If my intentions are not legal, will I state that on the form ? I don't think I would, so what is the point here ? At any rate how am I expected to know what I will do with this purchase in years to come ? The time may come when I wish to sell or transfer ownership, perhaps to my son. Would I then be held accountable for stating a false intention. What are the consequences ? People pledge to be together " till death do us part " every day, that is their intention, but they often change their minds.
I am not sure I understand the ramifications of this ruling. I'm certain it is important to an attorney. I expect it impacts the ability of law abiding citizens to purchase a gun. I'm certain it will have no effect upon the criminals. Criminals tend to be dishonest and untrustworthy. I know that sounds stereotypical but I believe it to be a valid assumption. Is this another chip in the wall ? The government has been steadily chipping away at our rights. It is a reason for concern. I will not go into the whole gun right discussion but the second amendment does state, rather clearly, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This does sound like an infringement upon my right. Don't I have the right to dispose of my property,as long as it is done legally, in any way I see fit ? Apparently I must now state my intentions.   

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