Sunday, June 29, 2014

In the name

In a strange twist of fate I left my home, on Long Island, and have settled in Maryland. In my childhood home I lived three miles from the ocean and less than a mile from the bay. Going to the beach was a regular and normal occurrence. It was something that very little, to no thought was given.  It was a given. Now I live, " on the shore " as is it called here, but many miles from any ocean or bay. The DELMARVA peninsula is where I am located. Yes it is bordered by the Chesapeake bay on one side and the Atlanta on the other. I live in the center ,more inland area. Funny thing is,in local vernacular I say I live on the shore. I find it amusing. To me it falls in the category of wishful thinking, I wish I lived on the shore. I believe the shore is where the water meets the land. It is just the way they say it I suppose. It is similar to saying I live in New York. Everyone that doesn't live in New York immediately thinks New York City. I didn't live in New York City either, I had to explain that to lots of people when I was in the service.
I think it has a lot to do with claiming an identity. We all want to be associated with something. And we want to be associated with something perceived to be positive or something that others would want. Where I grew up is now referred to,almost exclusively, as The Hamptons. For me, my first question is, which one ? I do not think of The Hamptons as a large geographic area but it is. In the same way I know I may say, I live on the shore, but I don't mean the shore literally. It is a large geographic area. The only difference is the locals refer to this area as the shore.
Now the summer months have arrived and there will be much talk of going to the beach. If you live " on the shore " and say you are going to the beach that generally means you are going to Ocean City Maryland. If you are going to another beach, say Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, that is what you would say. I'm going to Rehoboth, not I'm going to the beach. The distinction is made clear. It is almost like Ocean City is the only beach on the shore. It is noticeable to me because when I say I am going to the beach it could be any beach. I also find it strange that people make plans to go to the beach. It is a trip and a major outing. Growing up, we just went to the beach. I could walk,ride a bicycle and go in the car, made no difference. I may or may not go to the beach this year. It is normal to make at least one trip to the beach if you live on " The Shore. "
I guess you could say it just putting a spin on things. It does make this dusty farmland and home of chicken houses sound more inviting. I do like it out here on the peninsula. That is what I would call the area. I'd be saying out here on the peninsula, we do this or we do that. You know, I'd make it sound exciting. I think maybe that is the intent in saying, the shore, it does sound more inviting.

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