Sunday, June 22, 2014


You hear a lot about the direction of the country these days. The politicians talk about it, the reporters report on it and it is a topic of general discussion everywhere. All the social issues we are experiencing and the proposed solutions. I hear a lot of talk about diversity. We all need to embrace diversity. If you do not agree with someone else you are probably a racist or a bigot. Changes,we need changes. Out with the old. 
It is my opinion that we need to concentrate more on the direction of the people in the country, rather than the direction of the country. Diversity is a good thing, but singularity of purpose is what builds a nation. We are lacking in that singularity. The nation is being divided and we all know what Abraham Lincoln had to say about that. It is just as true today as when he said it in June of 1858. He was talking about slavery then, but the issues of today can serve the same purpose, to divide. The prime example of this is when we begin to attack and regulate religious freedoms. You may call it diversity, acceptance or tolerance but it stirs the hearts of people. Government cannot regulate or legislate the convictions of men. 
The truth is it doesn't work like that. This whole time, when all we hear about is diversity, we should be working toward unity. Working to find the common ground. You cannot find the common ground without a common cause. We need to define just what that cause is. What is the singularity of purpose ? 
When our nation was formed the path to singularity was shown to be, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those three items alone provide that purpose. We have become distracted and lost sight of the goal. Our own government has regulated those truths to the point of creating division. Again we find ourselves being divided. No longer are all the states united. Some states have embraced specific moral standards that are contrary to the others. That is the religious freedom I speak off. It is my belief a country must have a standard belief system. Make no mistake about it, it is a crack in the wall. Is it reasonable to expect others to change their religious and moral convictions to suit another ? I believe we all know that it is not. The middle east is a prime example of that. That conflict has been going on since Biblical times and continues today. It is a religious conviction.
All the would be scholars and intellectuals in this country may say otherwise, but I do not agree. We were formed as one nation,under God. I believe God in this usage means, a moral standard as out lined in the Bible. We must adhere to those moral principals as written. Man does not get to do a rewrite ! We may disagree on the details, but the truths are still outlined for us. Life, thou shalt not kill. Liberty, Peter 2:19 ; while they promise them liberty,they themselves are the servants of corruption : for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought into bondage. The Pursuit of Happiness, Psalm 19:8 The precepts of the lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
As to the direction of the country ? It is my belief we should be heading toward our churches, synagogues and yes, even our mosques for guidance. There is only one God and you may call him by whatever name suits you. You cannot however change the message. We need to be One Nation, Under God again. 

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