Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There are so many stories in the news that leave me just shaking my head. From the actions of our president to some little street thug, the news is bad. It is such a mess I cannot even comment on it. My mind is having a hard time processing all this negativity. It appears that there is no limit to the depravity of man against his fellow man. It appears that the government is also just running a muck. Laws are blatantly violated and subsequently defended with obvious lies. It is enough to get ones blood up ! Just what is happening to my America ?
The city of Baltimore has just instituted the strictest curfew law in the nation. Kids 16 and under must be inside their homes by ten o'clock in the evening weekdays and eleven on weekends unless accompanied by an adult. Whereas I understand the sentiment and intent behind this law it does strike me as a bit socialist in nature. This is the land of the free, not free before 10 PM on weekdays. The government has no business raising our children, that is the job of the parents. It is not the first curfew in the nation but I thought that curfews only applied during specific times for specific reasons. Apparently not.
Baltimore has also passed a bill called, Ban the Box. With a few exceptions, employers are no longer allowed to include the box on your job application asking you if you have a criminal record. The reasoning is, some are not getting hired because they have criminal records, and that is discriminatory ! This same group of people, the ones with criminal records, are on the streets committing more crime because they are unemployed. The fact that they have a propensity to commit crime is irrelevant. Just because someone was a convicted criminal yesterday is no reason to be leery of him today.
All this liberal logic is driving me crazy. Where is the common sense ? Nothing in this world is free. The government does not exist to sustain you. The function of government is to restrain your neighbor from infringing upon your basic rights as a human. You know, life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is not the function of government to provide me me anything ! Slowly we have legalized gambling and now, marijuana. What is the real reason behind that ? Money, taxes. That is the long and short of it. You can rationalize,sermonize and profess anything you want, but the bottom line is money. An economy based on vice can not be sustained for very long. They used to be referred to as a " sin " tax. Now we call it a revenue stream. Can prostitution be far behind ? Tax it. The liberals can use the money for birth control and abortion clinics. Anything as long as they don't have to assume responsibility for their own actions.
Well,  I have gone off on a bit of a rant, and I feel better.

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