Friday, June 20, 2014

In a mood

This morning I find myself in a depressive mood. It is difficult to write anything of substance while I feel this way. I think it comes from the recent events in the news. The news these days always provide reasons for grave concern. I become overwhelmed at times. Pile on all the campaigning and the mixture can be, " depressing. " So much negative reporting and negative campaigning.
Once again the United States is becoming involved in the religious affairs of a foreign nation. And that is what this recent development boils down to, a difference in religious practices within a foreign nation. That is what these " freedom " fighters are fighting for. Strip away all the rhetoric and bias and that is what it is all about for therm. Our real interest in all of that is economic. Make no mistake about that. U.S. interests abroad have little to do with human rights and that whole line, it has to do with economics. Always has,always will. People have only engaged with those of a different culture for that reason throughout history. We have wanted their land and/or goods. That is the reason pure and simple. Why do we interact with one another ? As a general rule we want something.
Now I hear the campaign ads. They sound more like children arguing. This isn't fair, that isn't fair, he has this or that and I don't. They are this or that. He is calling me names. On and on they go. I hear them all saying what they will do. Have any asked what we want ? Not that I am aware of. I really want to hear at least one say,with sincerity, I am here to serve you. And there is one in particular that really annoys me. Heather Mizauer is running for governor of Maryland. She promises to give us everything. All the hot button issues that have been promised over the years. Early education for all the children, living wages for everyone, equal pay for men and women and she can pay for it. She proposes selling and taxing marijuana. That's it. That is her whole campaign. The taxes collected from the sale of Marijuana will fund it all. Guess she figures everybody in the state will be buying it. No matter how you feel about the legalization of marijuana it is just ridiculous. Make her governor and we will all be high and happy ! That is the implication anyway.
And now you know why I am feeling depressed. It is just depressing. I feel sad for the future. Good Grief Charlie Brown !

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