Monday, June 30, 2014

Thoughts on Tithing

A friend has requested my opinion on a touchy subject. I am flattered to be asked and what follows is my best effort at explaining my position. The issue is Tithing. As I understand it I was asked if I thought tithing was a requirement to being a good Christian. My friend had explained to me the basic tenets of a sermon she has heard. The basis in scripture was from Malachi. In Malachi it says you shall be cursed with a curse, if you do not Tithe. That is the old testament. In the new testament no such requirement is mentioned. I am certainly no Biblical scholar and so had to reference the question. In 2 Corinthians 9:7  it says, every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. I confess to just having read those passages and find them supporting of my thoughts.
I will start by saying I believe the Old Testament is more of a history lesson. The history is of utmost importance to the understanding of belief. The thing is, for me anyway, the New Testament is a new covenant with God. Jesus, by his life,death and resurrection fulfilled the promise of the Old Testament.
All that being said I will continue with tithing. I do not believe I am under under obligation, from God, to tithe anything at all. As in all things with God his love is unconditional and therefore he would not place a burden upon me. The obligation to tithe, that is " to give " is a moral one. It is a gift from me to God to the betterment of mankind. God is in no need of tithes. The tithes are for others in need. The amount and frequency with which I choose to tithe is between myself and my God. In the scripture it says clearly, every man according to the purpose in his heart. That is the key, the intent in your heart. As the gift a child may give you of nothing more than a stone, its' value is ten fold greater than a gift purchased at the store with the intent to impress. Tithes are the same way. I may fool my neighbor but I can not fool God. You cannot lie to God, or to yourself ! To give with no expectation of return other than the satisfaction of having done so, is the intent of tithes.
What I am saying is that you should give what you feel you should give. Give with a joyful heart for the scripture says, God loves a cheerful giver. You can not gain anything unless your intent is pure in spirit. Give so that others may come to understand. A tithe need not be money. You can tithe in many ways. Your contribution to society may be your tithe. Giving of yourself, not for gain of any kind, is a precious tithe indeed. A kind word, a smile of encouragement, helping your fellow man, all contribute to the glory of God. Is that not what the purpose of a tithe is ? Spreading the word and being an example to others is also tithing. If our intent,our thoughts and our actions are pure will not the reward be forthcoming ? God says so, all you have to do is believe.

Making an Attachment

I am aware I have begun to repeat myself on certain topics. There are those that say that is a product of aging. There is evidence to support that, but only, when  you are not aware you are doing it. I have begun to repeat things because I'm hoping others will listen, and learn, from rote. Unfortunately that method can also cause annoyance. Well, I can try.
I was thinking about this as I was talking with my mother. She lives in Florida and so we don't get to visit in each others homes. I often describe to her any changes I have made in my decor, and she does the same. I was telling her about two pictures that I had added to my " archives " section. There are both old prints, one of my Dad and a wrecked car taken about 1944 and the other is Great Grandmother Lucy working on an 19th century loom. They have been in a chest full of old photos, clippings and artifacts. Yes, I have reached that age, the age where some of my possessions are now artifacts ! Good Grief. Anyway, I was telling Mom about them and how I explain what these things are to the Grandchildren. This is where I begin to repeat, telling them over and over about each picture and piece of history I have on display. My theory is to create an attachment to those items. I figure if the Grandchildren become familiar with those things and their stories, they are far more likely to survive. The items I mean, not the Grandchildren. That is the reason I have begun to drag these things out and display them more in recent years.
I believe it is much more difficult to discard something when you know the story. If I can attach a memory to an object, I want to keep that object. I realize that some people never seem to create that bond. There are those that will quickly throw out anything they no longer feel a use for. It is something I have always had a hard time doing. My Mom says her parents held onto everything because they lived through the depression. That era taught them the value of everything. That time was long before I, but I feel the same attachment to things as my Grandparents did. I have no explanation for that. It may sit in a dusty corner of the attic but I hesitate to discard things. I am concerned about the fate of my stuff.
In this " throw away " world that we live in now I think it is even more important. We all need to make that connection to the past. For some of us we don't become aware of that until we grow old. Sometimes it is too late and things are lost to time. It is not the monetary value of the things, but their intrinsic value that should be demonstrated. All too often that is being lost today. Perhaps is that, that is behind the current " crafting " being done. The things we craft today were made of necessity not so many years ago. Knitted,crocheted and sewn items. Furniture built or cabinets and such. Many of those are treasured today because of that intrinsic value. We know the story behind them. Buying something at IKEA doesn't hold the same allure. There is no reason that it couldn't however. As long as someone knows the story and gets an attachment to that story.
So, once again I have written about the same topic. I'm repeating. I am repeating because it is important to me and I hope it becomes important to others. That is a basic desire for all people. To share the things that are important to us. We are self centered beings, aren't we ? 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

In the name

In a strange twist of fate I left my home, on Long Island, and have settled in Maryland. In my childhood home I lived three miles from the ocean and less than a mile from the bay. Going to the beach was a regular and normal occurrence. It was something that very little, to no thought was given.  It was a given. Now I live, " on the shore " as is it called here, but many miles from any ocean or bay. The DELMARVA peninsula is where I am located. Yes it is bordered by the Chesapeake bay on one side and the Atlanta on the other. I live in the center ,more inland area. Funny thing is,in local vernacular I say I live on the shore. I find it amusing. To me it falls in the category of wishful thinking, I wish I lived on the shore. I believe the shore is where the water meets the land. It is just the way they say it I suppose. It is similar to saying I live in New York. Everyone that doesn't live in New York immediately thinks New York City. I didn't live in New York City either, I had to explain that to lots of people when I was in the service.
I think it has a lot to do with claiming an identity. We all want to be associated with something. And we want to be associated with something perceived to be positive or something that others would want. Where I grew up is now referred to,almost exclusively, as The Hamptons. For me, my first question is, which one ? I do not think of The Hamptons as a large geographic area but it is. In the same way I know I may say, I live on the shore, but I don't mean the shore literally. It is a large geographic area. The only difference is the locals refer to this area as the shore.
Now the summer months have arrived and there will be much talk of going to the beach. If you live " on the shore " and say you are going to the beach that generally means you are going to Ocean City Maryland. If you are going to another beach, say Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, that is what you would say. I'm going to Rehoboth, not I'm going to the beach. The distinction is made clear. It is almost like Ocean City is the only beach on the shore. It is noticeable to me because when I say I am going to the beach it could be any beach. I also find it strange that people make plans to go to the beach. It is a trip and a major outing. Growing up, we just went to the beach. I could walk,ride a bicycle and go in the car, made no difference. I may or may not go to the beach this year. It is normal to make at least one trip to the beach if you live on " The Shore. "
I guess you could say it just putting a spin on things. It does make this dusty farmland and home of chicken houses sound more inviting. I do like it out here on the peninsula. That is what I would call the area. I'd be saying out here on the peninsula, we do this or we do that. You know, I'd make it sound exciting. I think maybe that is the intent in saying, the shore, it does sound more inviting.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A civil tongue

I will sometimes leave a comment or two on the various postings that appear on my Facebook wall. Whatever sparks my interest at the moment. Then I receive notification that someone else has responded to my comment. I am continually amazed at some of the comments I receive in return. Unfortunately the majority seem to be vile, hate filled rants. It leaves me wondering about the sort of person that would write such things. I may disagree with your statements and a civil response will be forthcoming, but nothing on the order I have seen. The name calling is beyond comprehension. There are times I can only believe the writers intent is to raise my ire to a new level. Their statements do nothing to support there point of view, which some never even state.
These comments do not upset me on a personal level. The remarks are laughable, in an offbeat sort of way. Their credibility are seriously in question. I do become amused when self labeled Atheists claim all matter of proof for their belief, while telling me mine is fantasy. Both of us will not really know the answer until after death, so, is it not belief we are talking about ?
You would think I would learn to refrain from posting any comments. I can not. I will not be deterred by the ramblings of disgruntled persons making personal attacks against me. Well, they do not know me personally so why should I take it that way. I do enjoy reading others comments when presented in a reasonable fashion. Discussion is a good thing and provides perspective. Writing things just for the reactionary response is not contributing to the discussion. I have discovered there are few absolutes in this world.
Whereas I do not agree with the way some express themselves online, it is my hope that it is only online that they act in this way. The feelings of arrogance and hate are quite evident. It does cause concern that these individuals are out there. I'm chalking it up to immaturity. I'm betting most would not respond in the same fashion face to face. I do wonder why you would choose to portray yourself in that light however.
One phrase comes to mind, " keep a civil tongue in your head. " That is what I was told and what I have repeated. I do know speaking your opinion in a reasonable manner garners more listeners than screaming ! But then again the current trend seems to be , " throw a tantrum. "   Many act like spoiled little children today. When people don't agree or they do not get their way rage ensues. You see it all the time. That is another social issue however and one that requires some thought. Seems to work more times than it should. That is my opinion anyway.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Climbing in the Pulpit

As it sometimes happens, the title to this essay came to me before the actual essay. Sounds strange but the idea comes first and I attempt to condense that idea into the title. As a matter of coincidence a friend of mine kindly left some comments on another blog posting that I authored. Those comments coincided with some of the thoughts I was having. I was thinking about the demise of the little country churches, how they seem to be giving way to the larger,more theatrical display of piety in the mega churches. It appears to me more about the words than the message. I believe the priest or pastor is the Shepard of God. It is his duty, his obligation to spread the word and offer his opinion. A priest or pastor is like the supreme court, in that they interpret the word of God. Jesus commanded us all to spread the word.
I remember well Reverend Davis ascending the stairs in the pulpit to instruct us. I felt the pulpit was symbolic. Very much like standing on the proverbial soapbox, you demand attention. Putting yourself above the crowd, not because you feel superior, but because you are making yourself vulnerable. From the pulpit you speak your truth and spread the word. Reverend Davis cited the Bible passage and explained its' meaning. There were times of admonishment, times when you felt like he was speaking directly to you, and you left feeling a bit contrite. On other occasions you left with a glad heart, knowing you have done well in the eyes of the lord. That was his job after all, to offer encouragement,instructions and directions. Much like a loving parent he cared very much about you. He encouraged and corrected. That was the purpose of the pulpit.
Preaching from the pulpit lends an air of authority, that much can not be denied. When down from the pulpit, among the people, an atmosphere of informality is created. One might even consider it casual. When the preachers voice rings out in a quieted church, the words from the pulpit command your attention. It is instructional ! And that is how it should be. The sermon should be the focal point of the service. We should go to our churches to praise our God yes, but also to learn. Listening to the Sheppard is of primary importance. The reasons are obvious. All too often I think we have become distracted by the entertainment factor. All to often our Priests and Pastors are attempting to appease, rather than instruct. Like well meaning parents the intent is good but the congregation soon becomes spoiled. Extolled for their piety at attending the services they begin to believe they have satisfied their obligation. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Each of us must climb into the pulpit. And we should do it at every opportunity. We should speak our truths clearly and with conviction. We should also instruct and explain whenever necessary. Yes it leaves us open to ridicule. We are vulnerable. But where is our pulpit ? Our pulpits are everywhere. That was the command, go forth and spread the word. Climb into the pulpit !

Ideas to action

Ideas to action is something I have trouble with. I am full of ideas but a little slow to put them into action. Procrastination is the word. I had a triangle shaped pillow, yellow with black lettering, on my bed when I was a kid with that very word written on it. How or where it came from I do not recall. I do remember the word procrastination. I remember thinking it was a pretty big word. I didn't know it would be so applicable to me. Maybe whoever gave me that pillow was aware, prophetic even ? Strange how things work out.
I am full of ideas,as my Mom is fond of saying. I always find some excuse for putting it off however. Most times it is a lack of time and materials. That is my favorite reason. If only I had this or that. Other times I can see the project completed in my mind and that is enough to satisfy me. Is it a lack of ambition ? I suppose a case could be made for that. Or perhaps it is a lack of confidence in my ability to complete the project. Very seldom am I completely satisfied with the results I do achieve. Whatever the reason I am aware of it. They say awareness is the beginning of change. That very well may be but I still need to start. Maybe tomorrow is the day.
I have always found it difficult to stay focused on a specific thing. I have always chalked that up to curiosity. Seems like once I gain a basic understanding of something, I tend to move on. The old jack of all trades and master at none syndrome. I think I get that from my father. That man could do just about anything. I'm not quite the same because he could do everything better than I can. However this came about I often think about changing it, focusing on one thing, applying myself as my teachers used to say. How many times I heard that phrase, if you would only apply yourself, buckle down. Arrg. Good thing I am not in school today or they would be saying I have A.D.D. or some such and wanna give me pills. They might even think I'm nuts !
I am thinking it is time to take action on some of these ideas of mine. I could start with the little ones. In fact, I already have ; sorta. A lot depends upon how you choose to measure progress. Another problem I have is deciding which idea to act upon. I wonder why I sometimes feel selfish if I choose to do a project solely for myself. I wonder too, if it is that or a lack of praise when the project is done. Am I motivated by positive reinforcement ? Certainly,we all are but shouldn't we be self motivated ? That is a question on job applications, isn't it ? The implication there is you should do what needs to be done without being told. I will say this, I like to see results right away. Instant gratification, and it is a fault. I am impatient. That is something I need to work on. And with that I have reached a decision, I need to wait,be patient. Yes, I had best not rush into anything. Careful thought and consideration before starting a project or implementing an idea isn't procrastination now is it ? Nah, guess I'll wait just a little while longer and think it over. It is what men do !

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A sight for concern

As I was traveling yesterday I came upon a sad sight. There ,next to the highway,stood a little white church. It's windows had all been removed, the front doors missing and the bell gone from the bell tower. A scrap of wood or something hung precariously out of the bell tower, obviously left  after the bell was ripped out. So, there it sits abandoned and apparently slated for destruction. The headstones in the small cemetery alongside this church are old and worn, and seem to be watching.
The scene is a sad one indeed. How many marriages,baptisms and other joyous occasions have taken place there. Yes, I'm sure there were also many moments of great sorrow there as well. Lives began and ended in that little church. How many years the birth of Jesus was celebrated in that building, and how many years the death and resurrection were also remembered. How many souls ?
I am not familiar with this particular church or its' congregation. Everything is speculation. Perhaps I am overreacting and a new church is to be built. Buildings do get old and sometimes replacing is smarter than repairing. Perhaps the current building is not large enough. Those would be my hopes but I have no confidence in that scenario. This church is about the fourth one I have seen in recent years,in my small part of the country, to close it doors. I wonder how many small churches across the land have closed. The little country churches are becoming another piece of Americana it would seem. The " mom and pop " church, you might say.
In keeping with what I wrote about yesterday, I thought this discovery in line with my thoughts. America is beginning to close the door on God. His house is being closed in favor of the Walmarts and other shopping opportunities. Society is trying to buy their way to happiness. We are devoting more time to ourselves and less to our God. The large churches will always be with us. It is these small self sufficient community churches that are in jeopardy. The unfortunate reality is money is required to maintain them. A dwindling congregation equals dwindling funds. The result is inevitable. A shame we don't spend as much money supporting our church as we do buying frivolous junk at the store. Many think nothing of giving Starbucks five dollars for a cup of coffee but give nothing in support of their church. The reason is, they do not have a church. A self fulfilling prophecy.
Every time I see one of these little churches closed and empty I become upset. I just see it as a sign of decay. Our society is decaying ,slowly and surely. History does repeat itself. An overview of the great societies of the world show this. My parents generation has been called the "greatest generation." It very well may be the absolute truth. Unless we return to the path that the founding fathers laid out for us, I can see no other alternative. It is true that the founding fathers established the separation of church and state. It is also my belief that their intent was not the exclusion of the church for everyday society. Quite the contrary, they intended for our nation to be governed using Judeo-Christian principles. Those principles begin in the home and the community. What is it saying when the " community " churches, churches that have stood for a hundred years or more, are abandoned and destroyed. Call me " Chicken Little " but it speaks volumes to me and I fear for the future of our nation.  

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Like a number of senior citizens : I can't believe I fit that description , I am concerned about out country. I have seen many changes take place over the years and it seems, few for the better. It is true some gains have been made in certain areas. It is just my thinking that when you allow the kids to run the show, bad decisions become more frequent. A lack of maturity in my opinion. A good bit of this stems from ourselves ( the seniors ) being overly protective of our children. We allowed a lot of things to happen that shouldn't have.
Remember the years of our own youth, those of us sixty or more ? Remember those things we called Blue Laws ? It was us that repealed a good number of them. Yes, some are still on the books but few compared to years past. And so it came to me that we traded commerce for God. Yes it is our generation that is responsible for that. It became inconvenient to allocate that time to God, so we just voted him out. It seemed harmless enough at the time, why shouldn't I be able to shop on a Sunday ? Well, the lord didn't command we go to Wally World, even he took a day of rest. So we took the Sabbath and traded it for profits and convenience. Not the brightest of calls, was it ?
How many other things have we done for the convenience of man at the expense of God and our earth. We surely have done great harm to both. And in turn this has caused great harm to us all. We have chosen to ignore the day the lord has made. We would rather make money. The truth is, it wasn't even about making money, it was about being convenient. Those that had stopped attending church wanted to buy goods and services. The demand grew until the law was repealed. This pulled retailers into the situation and those that were employed by them. Now we must realistically choose between our jobs and church. If you are in retail that is a reality. It is not only retail however, this trend of seven days a week work, is spreading to all matter of business. Attending church has become inconvenient for many. This has led to apathy. An apathetic society soon lowers it's moral values. What follows is a lowering of standards of behavior.
What has man done, for the sake of convenience, to the earth ? We have paved over a good portion of the earth itself for one thing. It is inconvenient when it rains and the dirt turns to mud. We paved it. Now the rain running off all those paved surfaces are carrying contaminates into our rivers and streams. In Maryland, the state even taxes the rain, in a supposed attempt to generate revenue to pay for this pollution. Consider all the factories, producing goods to make our lives easier and more convenient, and their emissions impacting our air. How much waste is deposited into the earth with landfills every year. Much of that waste will not decompose, ever. The examples are numerous. A great deal of this damage is done because of greed and profitability. Find ways to produce more stuff, faster and using artificial material, to sell to the consumers. And let us sell it seven days a week ! Coincidence ? Perhaps but something worth considering. What if we stayed at home one day a week, attended the church of our choice, and spent the rest of the day with our families. It could make a change. Simple ideas are usually the best, but the hardest to promote.
Trading God for Commerce, (shaking my head,)  brings to mind the money changers of the Bible. It was wrong then and is wrong now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We asked for it

I can but wonder about those that go through life with so many difficulties. It just seems to happen that way for some. I read the posts on social media and it is a steady stream of tragedy. One could even say a litany !
Despite their apparent supplications to various Gods and science it continues. Day after day I see those postings. Sickness, never an easy diagnosis or treatment, injustice aimed directly at them, and monetary struggles. It is enough to leave me scratching my head. How do these people even face the day ? But the more poignant question for me is, why the constant broadcasting of these events ?  Is it some form of solicitation ? Perhaps it just stems from  incredulous occurrences. At least that is the feeling I get when reading these postings. Surely, where it I, I would be in despair.
I have also noticed it is these same people that are continually denied help. Despite there obvious qualifications to receive such help or benefits, an obstacle stands in the way. Red tape and bureaucracy descend upon them like a plague. When they do receive some help, it turns out to be incompetent. Somehow these people attract the most incompetent of providers. It makes no difference which field of care they seek either. Medical, dental or legal, all will fail them.
The strangest part of this whole thing is, it it these same people that tell of their knowledge and proficiency. They are well informed on whatever subject is in question. Most are just a few hours short of having a medical degree. Most, if not all, are nothing short of an attorney when it comes to their rights,benefits and entitlements. They can quote the Constitution, Bill of Rights, case law and legal briefs verbatim. When they explain what has happened to them it just smacks of injustice ! It is enough to get your blood up !
I suppose you could say we got what we asked for. It is written on the base of the Statue of Liberty :
"Give me your tired,your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shores,send these, the homeless,tempest tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
I think most of them are huddled around their computers,I-phones or tablets. Maybe we should have just said, " we'll leave the light on for you. " I sincerely hope that one day they find there way,unimpeded to health and happiness.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Firemen's Carnival

The annual firemen's carnival begins tonight in Greensboro. The summer is cranking up ! I do not always attend these events anymore. I hear they are going to have a new ride this year and live music. I may wander down and check it out. The carnival grounds have been moved here in Greensboro. The old grounds were close to the river and subject to flooding. That is exactly what happened a few years back. The concession stands were all flooded out and subsequently condemned by the health department. New ground was purchased and a new building erected. The new building, I don't think it is ready for use just yet, will be a hall to be rented out for receptions and the like. At least the shell of the building is there. On the downside more farmland has been lost to development. Eventually this ground will contain a new fire house and police department buildings so it is a good use.
I remember going to the carnival every year as a child. We had to go to a place called Amagansett. That is where the carnival always was. Like all small town carnivals it was always pretty much the same thing. Same rides and games. It was an event however and one looked forward too. The cost was considerable,as it still is today, My parents would take us one night and one night only. This was back in the sixties. A lot of the men brought a little " nip " with them. If you watched closely you could see those little brown bags poking out of pockets. Those brown paper bags were the perfect disguise because no one could tell for sure what you had. The police were blind to those bags ! Occasionally they would be an incident but nothing serious. I do remember my dad riding on the swings. He had a great time but got sick afterward. I think it was related to that brown bag. Mom was furious and Dad just a little sheepish after that. In a strange way, a good memory.
Now that the grandkids are older the attraction of the carnival is not as strong. I did enjoy watching them, but now the rides are just too tame for them. The attraction for them now is more social than entertaining and Grandpa and Grandma just don't fit the picture. They seem to think we " cramp " their style. Imagine that.
Our carnival always culminates with the fireworks display. No matter what the calendar day is, the fireworks go off on the last Friday night of the carnival. This year the fireworks will be on the 27th. When the fourth gets here, there will be no fireworks in Greensboro. I have always found that a little sad. No parade,no fireworks on the fourth. Ah well, that is Greensboro. Probably been this way for a hundred years.
For the next week downtown Greensboro will be hopping. Lots of people out and about. The actual downtown area will not be as busy as in past years because of the relocation of the carnival grounds. Still the activity level will increase. The new carnival grounds are not as easily accessible by foot as the old ones were. Again, just a matter of physical location, the new grounds are off the main highway. I hear also the town is applying for a one day liquor permit to sell beer. I'm sure that would generate some revenue alright but question the judgement. Can you sell beer at a carnival and reasonably expect people not to drive home afterwards ? Well it is a matter of being responsible and no different from going to a bar I suppose. I hope it works out for the town and all concerned. It'll be a big deal that much is sure. Exciting even, to some.
The carnival, another one of the markers we all use. It comes every year and we expect it. Summer is here. Two changes this year, a new ride and maybe beer. I'm thinking I may have to go, it could be historic ! 

Sunday, June 22, 2014


You hear a lot about the direction of the country these days. The politicians talk about it, the reporters report on it and it is a topic of general discussion everywhere. All the social issues we are experiencing and the proposed solutions. I hear a lot of talk about diversity. We all need to embrace diversity. If you do not agree with someone else you are probably a racist or a bigot. Changes,we need changes. Out with the old. 
It is my opinion that we need to concentrate more on the direction of the people in the country, rather than the direction of the country. Diversity is a good thing, but singularity of purpose is what builds a nation. We are lacking in that singularity. The nation is being divided and we all know what Abraham Lincoln had to say about that. It is just as true today as when he said it in June of 1858. He was talking about slavery then, but the issues of today can serve the same purpose, to divide. The prime example of this is when we begin to attack and regulate religious freedoms. You may call it diversity, acceptance or tolerance but it stirs the hearts of people. Government cannot regulate or legislate the convictions of men. 
The truth is it doesn't work like that. This whole time, when all we hear about is diversity, we should be working toward unity. Working to find the common ground. You cannot find the common ground without a common cause. We need to define just what that cause is. What is the singularity of purpose ? 
When our nation was formed the path to singularity was shown to be, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those three items alone provide that purpose. We have become distracted and lost sight of the goal. Our own government has regulated those truths to the point of creating division. Again we find ourselves being divided. No longer are all the states united. Some states have embraced specific moral standards that are contrary to the others. That is the religious freedom I speak off. It is my belief a country must have a standard belief system. Make no mistake about it, it is a crack in the wall. Is it reasonable to expect others to change their religious and moral convictions to suit another ? I believe we all know that it is not. The middle east is a prime example of that. That conflict has been going on since Biblical times and continues today. It is a religious conviction.
All the would be scholars and intellectuals in this country may say otherwise, but I do not agree. We were formed as one nation,under God. I believe God in this usage means, a moral standard as out lined in the Bible. We must adhere to those moral principals as written. Man does not get to do a rewrite ! We may disagree on the details, but the truths are still outlined for us. Life, thou shalt not kill. Liberty, Peter 2:19 ; while they promise them liberty,they themselves are the servants of corruption : for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought into bondage. The Pursuit of Happiness, Psalm 19:8 The precepts of the lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
As to the direction of the country ? It is my belief we should be heading toward our churches, synagogues and yes, even our mosques for guidance. There is only one God and you may call him by whatever name suits you. You cannot however change the message. We need to be One Nation, Under God again. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

A life condensed

I have noticed as I age that I have become more contemplative about things. Some would say that it is a sign of maturity and others say it is a sign of other things. Whatever the case may be it is a reality. Random thoughts enter my mind and I begin to think about them. Yesterday I picked up some pictures from the drug store. There was a little mix up at first and I was given an envelope that did not have my pictures in it. I told the cashier I had no idea who those people in the pictures were. I did receive my photos and left the store. It was then I began to wonder what happens to those other photos ? I wonder how they will figure out to whom they belong. I would just wait and I am sure someone will come to claim them. Those memories belong to someone.
It was that little incident that caused to me to think some more. What will happen to all my pictures when I am gone ? Not just when I am gone though, I mean when there is no one that  is connected to those memories ? Old photographs just go into the trash at some point. That is a depressing thought. Old photo albums face the same fate. There should be a place for these things to go. Imagine the images that have been lost. It is true that pictures retain memories. It is also true that pictures can hold nothing more than mystery. I have some of those that belonged to my father. Nameless faces looking at the camera. I can deduce the approximate year and place but that is all. I can not bring myself to just discard them. They did belong to my dad and I guess that is the attachment I have. To another they would mean nothing at all.
I wonder if there is a way to make your memories (photos ) retain interest to others ? What method may be employed to give value to those pictures ? Beyond a personal connection what could it be ? How to make it appeal ? If you are a celebrity that happens naturally. If you are just the common Joe, not so much. Yet each of us have a story to tell. Each picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. I have millions of words ! The thing is though, those words must come from the one taking the picture. It is also true the same picture may have different stories, depending upon who is doing the telling !
I think if we could most of us would want a museum of our life. We want our things and thoughts to remain forever. It saddens us to think our prized possessions may just be discarded some day. There should be more than a marker in a graveyard left behind. Most of us will be remembered two, or possibly three generations out. Much beyond that and you are lost. That thought bothers me. I, selfishly, want more than that. I hope to at least be mentioned way into the future. Mythical status would be great ! I'll have to give this matter further thought and consideration.
It would be difficult, but achievable, I think. What if I assembled a treasure chest full of my memories and possessions. I can tell the story of each item. That might prove interesting to someone even if they do not have a personal connection. Curiosity is an attractive thing. Maybe that would work. Is it possible to put your life in a box ? I may have to find out. Telling the condensed version is a challenge. Readers digest always managed it so it is possible. Hmm, something more to consider.

Friday, June 20, 2014

In a mood

This morning I find myself in a depressive mood. It is difficult to write anything of substance while I feel this way. I think it comes from the recent events in the news. The news these days always provide reasons for grave concern. I become overwhelmed at times. Pile on all the campaigning and the mixture can be, " depressing. " So much negative reporting and negative campaigning.
Once again the United States is becoming involved in the religious affairs of a foreign nation. And that is what this recent development boils down to, a difference in religious practices within a foreign nation. That is what these " freedom " fighters are fighting for. Strip away all the rhetoric and bias and that is what it is all about for therm. Our real interest in all of that is economic. Make no mistake about that. U.S. interests abroad have little to do with human rights and that whole line, it has to do with economics. Always has,always will. People have only engaged with those of a different culture for that reason throughout history. We have wanted their land and/or goods. That is the reason pure and simple. Why do we interact with one another ? As a general rule we want something.
Now I hear the campaign ads. They sound more like children arguing. This isn't fair, that isn't fair, he has this or that and I don't. They are this or that. He is calling me names. On and on they go. I hear them all saying what they will do. Have any asked what we want ? Not that I am aware of. I really want to hear at least one say,with sincerity, I am here to serve you. And there is one in particular that really annoys me. Heather Mizauer is running for governor of Maryland. She promises to give us everything. All the hot button issues that have been promised over the years. Early education for all the children, living wages for everyone, equal pay for men and women and she can pay for it. She proposes selling and taxing marijuana. That's it. That is her whole campaign. The taxes collected from the sale of Marijuana will fund it all. Guess she figures everybody in the state will be buying it. No matter how you feel about the legalization of marijuana it is just ridiculous. Make her governor and we will all be high and happy ! That is the implication anyway.
And now you know why I am feeling depressed. It is just depressing. I feel sad for the future. Good Grief Charlie Brown !

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Not good enough

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog about using the phrase, "it is no worse than." Yesterday I heard it being used again as an excuse to do something. Once again I felt the need to point out a few things wrong with that attitude. First and foremost in my mind is this, should we not be striving for something that is better than, rather than, it is not worse than ? Are not changes made to better a situation ? We should learn from our mistakes, revise past errors, and strive for improvement. To settle for, it is no worse, is to resign. To me, it is akin to saying, I give up, I can do no better.
The phrase smacks of a compromise. I know that one thing is wrong or bad. Now I wish to allow this other thing that I know is wrong or bad. I can justify the latter by comparing it to the former. It is no worse than. Does that make sense ? I fail to see the logic. In my mind there is no validity to the argument. It is like comparing apples and oranges. Each item must be examined on its' own merits. Its' relative worth compared to anything else is completely irrelevant. 
It is my belief that those that would use this phrase as justification for an action, have no other valid argument to use. They often start spouting a bunch of meaningless statistics. Many times they attempt to justify the consequences of this proposed action by showing some perceived benefit. A favorite is, it will reduce arrests for this crime. Yup, making something legal will keep you from being arrested for it, but it will not make the action appropriate. In other words, just because it is legal doesn't make it right ! It also doesn't make it a good choice. The prison population will be reduced if we do not place people in prison. That's logical. Raise the speed limit and you won't get a speeding ticket either. I could go on but you see the point here.
The bottom line is this, there is right and wrong. The choice must be made. We should, no must, strive for the best choices. We need to improve, not settle for, " it is no worse than." That ; is not good enough !  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

An old truth

I have often written about it and it still rests heavy in my thoughts, the lack of accountability and personal responsibility being taught today. Every so slowly our children and grandchildren are being taught that the purpose of government is to direct their actions. They are being shown that when things go wrong, sue someone. If life becomes difficult, the world owes you assistance. The examples are everywhere. In television ads,magazines articles,news stories and all over the internet. No matter how they came about you are " entitled " to this or to that. It is easy to apply for the benefits you deserve. Everyone is equal and if you feel someone has more than you , that is just wrong ! No matter that they earned what they have by hard work you should have the same. Should they have acquired wealth in some fashion, they should have to share. Why, the truth is if they do not, they are just being selfish and mean.
I do believe all this is a result of the influences of the media. Think about it, it we are unaware of what others have, we do not want those things. It really is that simple. There are ten rules that we all should follow. Number ten on that list is. " thou shalt not covet. " Every wonder why that is ? Ever wonder exactly what that means ? It means to want what belongs to another, or to desire something strongly. Isn't that what is being taught today ? Children are being taught that to covet something is a quality to be nurtured ! What a far cry from what was being taught when our nation was founded. How has this come about ? It has developed over the years due to awareness. The awareness of what others may have. That awareness has resulted in jealously. Jealous feelings put our feet on the path to greed. We want ! Then we begin to justify our actions in attempting to obtain what is not rightfully ours. It has progressed to a point where we have " legalized " the taking of another' goods. We have convinced ourselves we are entitled.
How can we reverse this trend ? Can it be reversed at all ? I believe it can be and the answer is in personal responsibility and accountability. If we once again teach our children that they alone are responsible for their own happiness, and are held accountable for their actions, it can be changed. It is a difficult lesson to teach. The distinction between coveting something and working toward that same something is subtle. The satisfaction from having earned something by your own labors is sometimes of little consolation. How to teach that ?
Money and wealth is always the driving force. We want things. We need money to buy those same things. That is what we are taught. Those that possess those things increase the pricing based on demand. Based on the amount you and I covet something. In truth, they are dependent upon that. That is why we are being fed this rhetoric about what are needs are. The truth is something quite different. Those selling the " goods " are now setting the minimum standards. It really makes no difference what the " goods " are. Now the are selling our own " morality. " Gambling, in all forms and selling drugs both legally and illegally. If there is money to be made we will attempt to legitimize it. We will label aberrant behaviors as. choices. Should certain " books " or philosophies become inconvenient we call them fantasy. Anything to justify the quest for the dollar. And the ultimate goal ? Power. Money is power. When you have power, you have it all. That is the philosophy is it not ? That power is limited however and precarious. There are those that want to take that power from you and you are mortal. So where does the real power lie ? It lies within your heart and soul. It is right there,all the time. It is life. The best one can hope for is to work for happiness here on earth. That work begins at home. Surrounding yourself with material things and the quest for wealth will not ensure that happiness. It is true that it may mask the pain, like any other drug, but will not provide happiness. Find the happiness within your soul and the rest will be as it should be. It may not be what you think. Learn to accept that and you will have learned something about life. You can't know everything about life until you have lived it. Don't die and then find out you were wrong ! The Beatles summed it up, "money can't buy you love." 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I saw a brief mention of a supreme court ruling. It was not prominently displayed and the report on its' exact content was sparse. I am not currently a gun owner but fully support the second amendment. The opinion of the court was that it was legal to ask the purchaser of the gun what his /her intentions were following that purchase ? Somewhat vague in its' explanation as to what exactly that meant I did read on. Apparently a police officer, being able to purchase a gun at a discount, did so and subsequently sold that same gun ( legally ) to his uncle. The court decided that he had violated the law by purchasing a gun and then subsequently selling that gun. The interesting part to me is that all this was done legally. The proper paperwork was filled out and filed. That is pretty much where this story ended. I was left thinking about the implications.
Should I choose to purchase a gun I will now be required to state my intentions for this gun. Why should that be ? If my intentions are legitimate why are they being questioned ? Am I not presumed to be a law abiding citizen ? If I fill out all the proper forms and pass the required background check is that not sufficient ? If my intentions are not legal, will I state that on the form ? I don't think I would, so what is the point here ? At any rate how am I expected to know what I will do with this purchase in years to come ? The time may come when I wish to sell or transfer ownership, perhaps to my son. Would I then be held accountable for stating a false intention. What are the consequences ? People pledge to be together " till death do us part " every day, that is their intention, but they often change their minds.
I am not sure I understand the ramifications of this ruling. I'm certain it is important to an attorney. I expect it impacts the ability of law abiding citizens to purchase a gun. I'm certain it will have no effect upon the criminals. Criminals tend to be dishonest and untrustworthy. I know that sounds stereotypical but I believe it to be a valid assumption. Is this another chip in the wall ? The government has been steadily chipping away at our rights. It is a reason for concern. I will not go into the whole gun right discussion but the second amendment does state, rather clearly, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This does sound like an infringement upon my right. Don't I have the right to dispose of my property,as long as it is done legally, in any way I see fit ? Apparently I must now state my intentions.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

A wonderful world

School is out for the summer, the dance recitals are complete, and I woke up feeling like summer is here. I had an outstanding fathers day and somehow I'm feeling reaffirmed. As Louis said, " it's a wonderful world. " My grandson Mark attended a two day course on becoming an official referee for the U. S. soccer association. He has passed the examination and is now a card carrying ref ! Now he has to wait until the fall for soccer season to begin. I'm excited for him.
There are times when you you feel like a page has turned, and that is how I feel this morning. Sitting at this keyboard putting thoughts to the screen I'm just enjoying the moment. Those are the best times for me, those times when you are not worried or particularly concerned about anything. The time, however brief, when all is right in the world. I can forget, just for a minute or two, all the bad things going on around me. I can just enjoy being me. Isn't that a wonderful thing ? That is the one thing we all want for our children and those we love. If we can give them that it is a deep satisfaction. This morning I am the recipient of that, whatever "that" is. It is an intangible and beyond my ability to explain. It just is.
Times like these are usually brief. Soon I will leave for work and the view changes. That is how it should be. Life does not remain static but moves ever forward. The reward for a life well lived comes at the end. Isn't that the truth of it ? It is always that way, a natural progression. The secret is enjoying the trip. The enjoyment comes from not what you pick up along the way, but what you leave behind as you pass through. Happiness comes from knowing others appreciate your efforts.
My feet hit the floor this morning and that is a good thing. I heard the birds singing and saw the sun rising. The smell of fresh brewed coffee is in the air. I received a new pair of sneakers for fathers day, they are not athletic shoes to me, I'll be wearing those today. The sun is rising, yellow in the morning sky, the day is full of promise. Indeed, it is a wonderful world !

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers Day

Today is fathers day. A day to celebrate the Dads of the world. I have received my fathers day congratulations and well wishes. I appreciate them all. I do feel qualified to speak somewhat on the subject of being a Dad. It is not the creation of life that makes one a father. The role of father must be earned. To be called father is an honor.
I have been blessed to watch my own children grow. My boys became men. They married and became fathers. It is their children, my grandchildren that is the reward and proof of my being a father. Fathers day is not really a day for me to celebrate, it is a day for me to be thankful. I have much to be thankful for. Becoming a Dad can be a scary thing and it should be. It is not a contract to enter into lightly. And it is a contract, a contract for life. One does not stop being a father,ever. Even in death a fathers influence will continue. Through succeeding generations the father has an impact. My own Dad has passed and so that leaves myself as patriarch of the Reichart clan ! What a responsibility. In the biblical sense the word patriarch means the first of the family. The founding father of your " tribe. " The implication being we should seek the advice of the patriarch. In reality it is usually the eldest living Dad. Wow, that would be me.
As the years pass I can only hope that I remain worthy of the title. To earn the respect of your children,grandchildren and by Gods' grace I hope to see great grandchildren. It will be an honor and a privilege denied to many to be able to hold the patriarch position. Yes, I am proud to be a father. I have seen my sons grow and there children grow. Judging by their accomplishments I have done well. There is no shame in taking pride in a job well done and so today I am proud ! I see the achievements of the grandchildren and can only say, the future looks bright for the Reichart clan !
So I say to all the Dads out there, Happy Fathers Day. Enjoy your successes. More importantly however, discharge your responsibility. Fulfill that contract. It is the best deal I have ever made in my life !

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Listen Up

It is true that you can learn more by listening than by speaking. Reading too, falls into that category. It is the choice of whom we listen too and the books we read that shape our opinions. Some of us learn from an early age the truth of those statements and there are those that never learn. Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. I always seemed to have an innate ability to do that. Often when taking a test in school I could hear the answer in my head, as spoken by the teacher. I wondered if others did the same. I can still hear certain teachers saying specific things.
After I graduated from high school most of the reading I did was either for a professional course or just for entertainment. I have learned from both I believe. My reading would go in spurts of interest. I have read just about everything Louis L'Amour has ever written. For those of you unfamiliar with that name the majority of his work is what you would call pulp fiction. Cowboy stories and a few historical novels. I feel he was a brilliant writer. I hear books the way I hear a teacher speak. Then I got on a Stephen King phase. Read a great deal of his works. After a time however, they all began to sound the same. They became predictable. I suppose when you find a formula that works for you, you should stick with it. I hope some day to find a formula that works for me.
I think I am no different than most, listening is the hardest part. I do find it becoming easier to just listen as the years go by. There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. I've always thought that it meant children should be quiet and stay out of the way of adults. Perhaps it's true meaning is " listen. " I mean we are always saying that about kids aren't we ? If they would only listen. Listening is not always doing what it is that you are told, listening is learning. It is somewhat of a paradox. As I listen, and learn, from others I become excited to share that information. It is then that I start talking. Problem is, often times I do not allow the person to finish their thought. Then we have miscommunication and misunderstandings.
Now that I have an entire library at my fingertips I find my reading is just all over the place. As I grow curious about things I just Google them. I find myself reading about a wide range of subjects. I believe that is a good thing but also a limiting thing. I seldom make a thorough study on any particular subject. Like listening, I become excited to share what I have learned and start talking/writing. Sometimes I do not have all the facts. On the other hand if I waited until I felt like I was fully versed in any subject I would never speak. I subscribe to the old adage," the more you know, the less you think you know." I find truth in that statement every day. Another paradox in life.
I believe we all want to be listened too. We all desire to be taken seriously and our comments and observations valued. No one wants to feel like a dummy. I am learning there is a trick to that, say little, listen a lot. If you give careful consideration to the words you choose and the sources you quote you can appear quite knowledgeable. That is not the trick however, the real trick is not to start believing it yourself ! Learn to listen. That is advice I have heard all my life, be quiet and listen. I'm beginning to hear you.
You see how it is ? I'm writing/talking about listening. I should be listening, but if everyone took that advice who would I be listening too ? Hmm, have to think on that awhile.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Somber Celebration ?

I just had a friend that lost his Dad. It is always a sad occasion when someone passes. There are never enough words one can say to offer comfort. It is a hurt that never really heals, it only becomes bearable. It is something I have noticed, the older you get, the more deaths you have to deal with. It is just another one of those things, I suppose. No one told me getting older involved all that.
I couldn't help but think this weekend will be especially hard for him, father's day is this weekend. My thoughts will be with him. My daughter in law lost her Dad just over a year ago. Father's day is on her mind as well. My own Dad has been gone for 14 years now. I still think of him everyday. It is getting to the point where fathers day is a sad occasion !
In today's world we hold a celebration of life ceremony. The intent is to offer some closure. Two phrases I do not like. First off, it is a funeral. Nothing much to celebrate as far as I can see. And as far as closure, I don't believe that ever happens. The wound has never closed from the loss of my own Dad or anyone else I have loved for that matter. I have learned to cope, to adapt and to accept what is inevitable. I have never closed the door. It is my contention that as long as their name is spoken, out loud, they are never gone. To me those phrases are attempts at deception. Go ahead, cry and mourn your loss. Do not close the door on their memory.
Somehow this blog has taken a somber turn. That isn't what I had in mind when I started. But, it has become a reminder. We should enjoy and celebrate those we have in our lives every day. It is foolish to wait for a special occasion to do so. Each day is a special occasion. Each meeting with those that you love is a special occasion. If we treat each other in that fashion we are prepared. Prepared to say goodbye and I will see you later. They are not gone, they walk with me everyday. I miss their physical presence sure. How many times I long to share something, to hear their voice, an old familiar phrase or saying. I am sad for that loss but never have I felt they were gone. They never left me in life, why should they do so in death ?
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's up there. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Technical Difficulties

I woke up to a series of technical difficulties. First the television satellite is not working. Searching for signal ! On the roof checking the dish,tracing wires and securing connections. Wife's computer fails to start, run diagnostics. Do a system restore. Television still not working. Take pictures of cupcakes for posting. My computer fails to recognize drive E. What's up with that ? Run diagnostics on my computer. Still a mystery as to what happened. Wife's computer starts now but doesn't load windows. Reload and restart. Television acquiring signal now. Progress !  Trying to write blog, opps gotta leave for work. Television on and computers running. Frustration and aggravation. Off to work. ARRG.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A sad goodbye

We went to the fifth grade graduation ceremony last evening. It didn't disappoint. All the children did a wonderful job, so grown up now. Many of those little faces are familiar to me, I don't know their names but could see the years in them. How could it be ? With Mark and Morgan it happened slowly, yet still overnight. With these other, nameless children, it just happened ! It is almost as if I had slept for five years, a Rip Van Winkle, effect. As I watched those kids sing a song and accept their awards and rewards I was proud of them all. I couldn't help but think the future of America stands before me. It looks bright.
I'm thinking I'm going to miss elementary school. I sat in that cafeteria/auditorium and memories came back. I have had lunch in that same cafeteria for every Grandparents day since the 2006-2007 school year. Written down it doesn't seem that long ago. A look at the calender shows otherwise, it the 2013-2014 school year ! I remember the Christmas sing a longs in that auditorium as well. The giant map of the United States painted on the wall,each state numbered in the proper order, I can see it now. And there are pictures and drawings of Bees' everywhere. In one classroom there is a giant bee hive ! It is the theme of Greensboro Elementary. Be Positive, Be Prepared, Be respectful. The " mascot " ; a bee ! Would you expect anything else ? In the last seven years there have been very few assemblies and events I have not attended at that school. I've delivered so many cupcakes and cookies the ladies in the office know me ! The next school year will not see Grandpa with the goodies.
After the program was complete we all went to the media center. There was cake and cookies. Pictures were taken and a few tears were shed. The teachers and students meeting on common ground. They have a few days left in the classroom but the academics is over for this year. Now it is time to clean up. Somehow I am reminded of a Barney song,sung during preschool years, Clean Up Clean Up Everybody Everywhere Clean Up Clean Up Everybody do their share. Before we left for the evening Morgan wanted her picture taken with the principle, Mr. Sutton. She grabbed my hand and took me over to him. He posed with her and remarked what a delight she was to have in his school. As she took my hand I couldn't help but remember, I held her hand the first day she went to this school, a scared little girl, now I wonder just who is holding whose hand ? And time moves ever forward.

Mogans' farewell poem.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cupcake Memories

Tonight is the graduation ceremony for my granddaughters fifth grade class. She will be giving an address and I couldn't be prouder. After tonight she will be a " middle schooler. "  Isn't it a wonderful thing to use such titles ? Kinda takes you back doesn't it ? The one thing I do find a little strange is school is not over officially until this Friday. She still must attend Wednesday, Thursday and half a day Friday. Seems like if I graduated, I'm outta there ! Well, they do things a little differently nowadays. It probably has something to do with this common core I'm always hearing about.
It will be a bittersweet time for Grandma and I. No more Grandchildren in Elementary school after this year. As my own mother is fond of saying, times marches on ! We are glad to see them grow, learn and be successful, while all the time wishing they would stay little. You can't fight the tide however and it is best to go with it. Off to the middle school.
We can not help but remember all the times we took her to the bus stop. Every school day since she was in pre-school one of us has taken her to catch the bus in the morning. Rain,sleet,snow,cold,hot,windy or whatever, we made the journey. Every day one of us waited for her return. It is a welcome sight, her with her backpack, smiling and waving. Grandpa always carries the backpack home and listens to the days events. Nothing like hearing about their day while it is still fresh in their minds. I have heard everything from I love school to I hate school. I have heard about assigned seating,unassigned seating,homework,book reports, papers and recess. Grandma and I have taken countless cookies and cupcakes to the school for all those special occasions. How many hours were spent in the kitchen making those treats, how many hours spent with her decorating those cakes and cookies. All such good memories. We have just one more cupcake memory to make and elementary is over.
I think I will miss all of that next year. Middle school is so much more formal. Sure, we go to the awards ceremonies and we even went to a grandparents day but it isn't the same. Kids in middle school want you to be there but would rather you were not seen. It is one of those ironic twists in life. Remember when we would say, children should be seen and not heard ? Well, there you go. Now Mark and Morgan will be getting on the bus together at their house. We won't see them until after school, if they choose to come to Grandma's house. We are sure they will come however, they'll be hungry !
Morgan read her address to me as a form of practice. I listened to her words and was impressed. She composed a very nice little speech. She calls it a poem and because she is the author I can not take issue with that. I do not want to give away the whole speech but will share a portion. Morgan says,and I quote, " you cannot read the next chapter, If you keep rereading the last. " Profound words from a elementary school student ! She is ready for the next chapter .

Monday, June 9, 2014


I was reminded of something my Mom would say when I was a child. It is just a silly thing and I do not recall how or why she began saying it. I was watching the news and they were talking about the price of coffee beans going up. The reason for this," there is a fungus among us." That is the little thing I remembered, that little phrase.
These things have a way of cropping up, no pun intended. As I was working at my daughter in laws house I noticed her holly trees looked a little wilted. A closer look revealed, a fungus. Yup, another fungus and it had killed some of the leaves on that tree. I was power washing the rear deck and you guessed it, fungus . I blasted it away, but know that it will return.
Now we have all heard of athletes foot and getting itching in various parts of your body and one of the culprits can be ; fungus. With these warm summer months coming upon us we need to be on our guard. There are fungus, among us ! They may appear at any time and in the most embarrassing of places. Then it is a trip to the drug store for a fungicide.
A mushroom is a fungus, fungi if you will, and quite tasty in my opinion. I especially like them with a sour cream dip. Sauteed mushrooms are acceptable with a good steak. It is the one time I wish for a good warm fungus. I confess to not having tried the portabella version of fungus, the brown color throws me off.
If it involves yeast,mold or mildew it is a fungus. Fungi are everywhere. You could say fungus are like annoying people, everywhere. They just keep showing up. Given where I grew up, with the tourists and all, maybe that is what Mom was referring too. When the weather got warmer, the fungi arrived. There are indeed, fungus among us, and they are everywhere.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


I believe there are many things that are intuitive to us. We know when we are hungry and we eat. We know about hot and cold. Thirst is automatically recognized. Sustaining life is intuitive. When we are babies we of course require assistance. We need help. We still make our needs known because we are aware. And there is another area that we intuitively reach out for help. That area is the spiritual. Since the beginning man has known that there is a greater power than ourselves. We have attempted to define that power ever since.
My point here is, the spiritual is intuitive. It is my belief that we do not need to be told there is a God. The only thing we are taught is about whatever God our ancestors have worshiped. We can either adopt that definition of God or find our own. I do believe it is the foolish person that denies the existence of any God. Man in all his knowledge and wisdom cannot create a thing. The best we can do is reshape existing matter, change it into a different form. We can not make something from nothing. That is the provenance of God.
Man has always appealed to his Gods. Man has always known it is a necessary thing. We must have an avenue of hope. The promise of reward is also a necessary thing. The removal of either of those two items leaves us in despair. John Dome wrote the famous line, "no man is an island entire of itself."  He wrote that as he was close to death. Many, more scholarly people than I, have interpreted what it was he was saying. I think each poem speaks to each us differently. I believe he was saying man is connected to his fellow man and that connection is through God. He says we are all part of the continent, a part of the main. We are one, is what I hear him saying. And to be one, we need to be one with the creator. How can we be one if we do not know him ? The answer is simple really, we are born with that knowledge. That is why man has always sought his God. It is only in ignorance that we turn away. Many messengers have been sent to remind man and offer encouragement. I say turn to them and read their messages. I believe the message is always the same. They all delineate what Jefferson called our inalienable rights. The intuitive actions we should practice and expect in return. If we would listen to our intuition, the voice of our souls, we would all be much better off. The world would be a much better place as well.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A little consideration

More and more I see Facebook becoming a true reflection of our society. At first most were polite and kind towards one another. That is certainly changing. The propagation of potty mouth has definitely increased. Perhaps it is just my age but I find it offending my sensibilities more each day. More and more I find myself hitting the " hide this post " button. Sensibility is defined as the capacity to feel or to perceive, it is also an emotional response. I looked up the word sensible to see if I was so. Sensible, showing good sense, having or demonstrating sound reasoning or judgement. Practical. Subject to perception,able to be perceived. I believe that would apply to me. Of course that is just my perception of things.
I do enjoy the social interaction, especially with those that live in distant areas where I otherwise would not have an opportunity to do so. My " circle " of friends is not large compared to many others on this network. A check shows a list of one hundred eighty. I wouldn't think it was a representative sampling of our society. It is that thought I find the most troubling. Given the language and postings I often receive with this small sample I am left shaking my head and questioning. I do not think I have become overly sensitive. I consider myself fairly current. I think I am just surprised where this language and postings are coming from. My contemporaries ! Have they forgotten the lessons of their youth ? Many I knew growing up and they were not like that. What has happened ?
I have written about this before and explained that I just feel there is a time and place for everything. Sensibility is the word that describes what I am saying. Being sensible is what I am talking about. I am well aware that there are people, friends and acquaintances, on this network that have different views than my own. Their choice of lifestyle or language is not in agreement with mine. I try to keep that in mind with my own postings. It is a little thing called consideration. I'm not calling for anyone to change their ways, or surrender to some preconceived ideas of conformity, I am asking for consideration. And I ask those that would post items of a " questionable " nature to remember there are children on here. I know the rules say they shouldn't be, but we all know they are.
I will say this, I am not going away. Change cannot be effected by running from the issue. I do not expect others to go away either. I do not wish to create an issue. What I am doing is making others aware of my feelings and thoughts. Yes, they can be different than yours. I also believe that we all have good common sense. I feel that some are not exercising that same good sense. That is when my sensibilities get offended. I'm quite sure that it happens to you as well.
There is an old phrase that explains what I am talking about, In Polite Company. I'm thinking that is what I get offended by, the lack of acknowledgement of that situation. Ideally, we on Facebook and other social media, and when in public should behave as though we are in polite company. I will try to remain polite,cordial and temper my opinions. I will not withdraw from society nor rage against it. I will keep stating my opinions.

Friday, June 6, 2014

To what purpose

Underneath all this liberal and enlightened lifestyle anger lies smoldering. Listen to the news on any given night and it becomes obvious. So much violence and senseless slaying of our fellow man. Campus shootings,rage and just plain madness. Without structure, and a clear path to follow, society has become lost. The idea of, just do your own thing, is a philosophical failure. Only by working together, using common sense and common goals can anything notable be achieved. What I see now is nothing more than a groping in the dark. Throw money at this problem, provide excuses for failure and hold no one accountable. Any delineation of moral behavior is be attacked as religious belief and that is not to be tolerated. Science can solve all our problems. Science and the logic of man. But of what comfort is this science and logic ? The only comfort from science may come in the form of chemicals. Taking the right pills can alter your attitude, that much can not be denied. The logic provides the basis for using those chemicals. The primary fault lies in that logic. We should not be dependent upon science to provide our comfort, that comfort must come from within. We achieve happiness from accomplishing our goals. How can we achieve what is not defined ? What is the goal in today's world ?
There was, and still is in some circles, the desire to lead a good and moral life. The reward of that life is a life everlasting. Whether that is a reality or just a " fairy " tale as many now want to say, is not really the most important part of the issue. It is more about the definition of our roles. By knowing and striving toward a goal one can find happiness. If you are constantly changing your destination how can you hope to get anywhere ? It is this constant changing that leads to the anger and frustration that we see today. With no measurable results, and nothing to measure those results against, can we expect otherwise ?
What we want and need is the acceptance of our fellow man. It is a basic need. That acceptance is achievable if we follow a few simple rules. One rule in particular, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Gosh, that sounds familiar. Wait, is that religion ? Maybe it is also a scientific fact. Science and religion can co-exist. I believe that balance needs to be restored. I believe that is the driving force behind the evil in the world. Man doesn't know it all, and the sooner we grasp that reality the better off we will be. The world is not about me, it is about us. Conscience is a powerful tool and sadly it seems to be lacking. Is not any religions purpose to instill a collective conscience ? With that collective conscience comes a collective goal. The question each of us has to answer is, what is that goal ? 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cool with that

Yesterday I had a posting on Facebook. It was a thought that came to me just before leaving for work. I wrote, I wonder about the argument that something is no worse than another IE: smoking marijuana is no worse than drinking alcohol. The thing is shouldn't we be striving for something better,not settling for it isn't any worse. Now I feel a little more elaboration to that statement may be required.
What I am saying is, saying smoking marijuana is no worse than drinking alcohol is like saying breaking your right arm is no worse than breaking your left. They are still both broken. Is it not really a sign of resignation ? An attitude of if one thing is wrong doing another of equal wrong is just fine. Even the sentence doesn't make sense.
To legalize something is to give it approval. All of those that would approve of the use of marijuana use the argument it is no worse than alcohol. Perhaps on some level I can see that logic. Wrong is wrong even when approved by the government. Approval does not always justify an action. My concern is that how many will now try this new "approved intoxicant " than wouldn't have otherwise ? I am only concerned with the recreational use, medicinal use is a different topic altogether. During prohibition a prescription for alcohol could be obtained, but that didn't make it medicine.
No I believe the argument that one is no worse than another is an attempt to justify a wrong. We are all well aware of the problems alcohol causes in society by those who abuse it. We made an attempt to remove it from society and we all know how that worked out. The difference was that alcohol had already been introduced and indeed encouraged in society. The removal of that was seen as an intrusion on mans rights. The government was taking something away. Once legalized and accepted into society, as a whole, there will be no removing it. It is a grave decision to make. It is not a decision to be made just to increase tax revenue. What will be the result in twenty years,thirty years or more ? Is this something you would want your children and grandchildren to engage in ? Do you encourage the use of alcohol to your children ? Are you going to want to buy marijuana for your grandkids ? Be a man, smoke some weed. It sounds ridiculous.
I remain convinced the push for legalization, on a national level, is fueled by only one thing, revenue. Tax and spend. There is also the movement away from traditional morality to the new, everything is alright morality. I'm afraid some of our legislators and apparently a major portion of the electorate are just voting for the, " it's cool man " ticket. A means of showing how progressive they are in their thinking. To put it simply, justification of past errors. Yes, the criminals will always offer it for sale. Yes, there will always be those that purchase and use it. Take that same, what you are saying is harmless substance out of their stores, and what will they begin to push next ? We're gonna have to take it up a notch. Oh, and the argument about it being a " natural " product. Yes it grows in nature, so does hundreds of other intoxicating plants, should they all be legalized and promoted for use ? They're natural. You know, man didn't invent alcohol, just improved the flavor.
But the point of my posting was not really about the legalization of marijuana. The point was the faulty reasoning we are employing these days to justify our actions. It is no worse. That isn't making things better now is it ? It is possible that those things that we compare to are incorrect as well. If no one abused alcohol how many lives would be saved ? There will be those that abuse the recreational use of marijuana and cause societal issues. That can only increase if the product is legalized and its' use encouraged. And you can't tell me it won't be. Peer pressure is a tremendous force. How many years and lives lost before we establish MAM. Mothers against marijuana. It'll happen. Or are we just adding another excuse to the list for when we screw up ? I couldn't help it judge, I was high on marijuana. I need to check in to a rehab center. It is not my fault. Right, another escape from reality and accountability. Yeah, we need that law and a few more bucks ! The government requires more money to fund more social programs. Get it from the potheads, they are cool with that.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There are so many stories in the news that leave me just shaking my head. From the actions of our president to some little street thug, the news is bad. It is such a mess I cannot even comment on it. My mind is having a hard time processing all this negativity. It appears that there is no limit to the depravity of man against his fellow man. It appears that the government is also just running a muck. Laws are blatantly violated and subsequently defended with obvious lies. It is enough to get ones blood up ! Just what is happening to my America ?
The city of Baltimore has just instituted the strictest curfew law in the nation. Kids 16 and under must be inside their homes by ten o'clock in the evening weekdays and eleven on weekends unless accompanied by an adult. Whereas I understand the sentiment and intent behind this law it does strike me as a bit socialist in nature. This is the land of the free, not free before 10 PM on weekdays. The government has no business raising our children, that is the job of the parents. It is not the first curfew in the nation but I thought that curfews only applied during specific times for specific reasons. Apparently not.
Baltimore has also passed a bill called, Ban the Box. With a few exceptions, employers are no longer allowed to include the box on your job application asking you if you have a criminal record. The reasoning is, some are not getting hired because they have criminal records, and that is discriminatory ! This same group of people, the ones with criminal records, are on the streets committing more crime because they are unemployed. The fact that they have a propensity to commit crime is irrelevant. Just because someone was a convicted criminal yesterday is no reason to be leery of him today.
All this liberal logic is driving me crazy. Where is the common sense ? Nothing in this world is free. The government does not exist to sustain you. The function of government is to restrain your neighbor from infringing upon your basic rights as a human. You know, life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is not the function of government to provide me me anything ! Slowly we have legalized gambling and now, marijuana. What is the real reason behind that ? Money, taxes. That is the long and short of it. You can rationalize,sermonize and profess anything you want, but the bottom line is money. An economy based on vice can not be sustained for very long. They used to be referred to as a " sin " tax. Now we call it a revenue stream. Can prostitution be far behind ? Tax it. The liberals can use the money for birth control and abortion clinics. Anything as long as they don't have to assume responsibility for their own actions.
Well,  I have gone off on a bit of a rant, and I feel better.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Village

There are times when you don't see something until you are detached from it. The proverbial, not seeing the trees for the forest. That happened to me just this morning. I was reading a blog, written by a friend of mine, as I do every morning. She writes about my old hometown, as she still lives there. In one line she says, we don't go to the village on the weekends. The little thing that jumped out at me was the use of the word village. I had never given that any thought before. I grew up in town and we went to the village. Said that way it now sounds like I lived in some foreign land. There are villages in the jungle and villages in Transylvania, the villagers went after the monster.
I did a little research and have discovered that many states have villages. There are incorporated villages and non-incorporated. Most, but not all villages are inside a town. Towns can be inside a city. Interesting. The thing is in all the other areas of the this country I have lived, I have never heard others saying, let's go or not go to the village. I expect they must. I would think, especially in the new England area that it would be common.
Now in East Hampton , the town where I was raised I did not live in the village. Those that did we didn't call villagers. We called them uptowners. Sometimes they were upstreeters. They were never Villagers. I went to school with those people and it never occurred to me that they were Villagers ! A little scary now that I think about it. We often said we were going upstreet and that may or may not include the village. We did have our own unique name for a business area in town that was not part of the village. That area was referred to as the hook. Why it was called that is open for debate and a topic of discussion. But I have wandered of the subject at hand. What I was wondering about was the use of the word village. As I said we used it all the time but now I seldom hear it. So infrequently in fact that it drew my attention. The use of that phrase is now a bit of nostalgia for me. Now, isn't that interesting ? Have I grown so old and become so distant from my ancestral roots that it is nostalgic ? Hmm. Much has been written of a dialect that East Hampton town is known for. Some say I speak that dialect and I suppose I do, marginally so. I only do that when speaking to another that understands that dialect. Saying I'm going to the village never seemed like part of that dialect.
I will be listening from now on. Who else says they are going to the village ? Surely there are others that use that phrase other than in the movies. There are a lot of villages in the world. When someone says, village, what image comes to mind ?

Monday, June 2, 2014


Yesterday I wrote about living with the windows open. I love having the windows open. I love the sounds of nature and the breezes. Nothing like fresh air. I wrote my little story, chuckling a bit, tongue in cheek. After posting it and giving the subject some more thought I thought maybe  it has something to do with the way the our country is today. We are isolated inside our homes and offices. You must be invited in. That was not always the case. With the closing of the windows have we also closed our hearts ?
All the devices man has invented to entertain himself has also served to isolate us from one another. You could say it started with radio. Families would gather around that marvel to listen to news from the outside world and music. It was only for a few hours in the evening but it was a beginning. Then television, and we have progressed steadily since then. In the 1950's air conditioning units become affordable and available to the everyday household. That is when the windows get closed ! The isolation increases. Now we don't go sit on the porch on those hot,humid nights to escape, now we just stay indoors. Front porches begin to give way to the rear deck. We begin to fence in the yard and surround those decks for privacy. In reality further isolation, now it is by invitation only. No longer are your neighbors strolling by the front porch and saying good evening and perhaps being invited to stop for a cold drink of lemonade. We have retreated to our fortresses.
I see many people walking around today, in public, yet isolated from those around them. Their mind is on their smart phone. They are talking or sending text messages oblivious to those around them. We have finally found a way to avoid being social. We have a method to entertain ourselves all the time, wherever we may be. We can even travel in groups yet not interact with each other in that group ! The world is all about me.
Now it seems like there are a myriad of social problems and issues. I wonder why that could be ? Might it be the result of the lack of socialization skills ? Could it just be that the reality of the world is in conflict with all these isolated little worlds that we live in ? I am no sociologist but that is a theory I have. Too many of us do not even know our neighbors anymore. Was a day when you knew everyone on the street.
Well, for all my talking and writing about it I will put the air conditioner in the window. The others will all be closed when the real heat comes. Yup, when the heat is on I am no different. For a few weeks or a month however the windows will be open. If you stroll by I'll be on the porch, out front, give me a shout. That is unless the bugs are out, then I'll retreat. After all, there is always the history channel !

Sunday, June 1, 2014

With the windows open

It was a long cold winter. The storm windows were in place and the doors closed tightly. Often a blanket of white covered the ground. Inside my home it was warm and snug. I was fortunate to be isolated from the outside. Watching the calender I saw spring was coming. The heating bills were not a welcome sight. It was with relief that I greeted the spring. At last, I could turn off the heat, throw open the windows, and put the screen in the kitchen door. The warm breezes gently moving through the house are so pleasant. I can hear the birds singing and the rustle of the leaves. One thing though, I had forgotten how noisy spring is. In between the sounds of the birds and the rustling leaves there is so much more. Lawn mowers,leaf blowers, passing cars, motorcycles, loud music and a plethora of other sounds. Spring is a regular calliope ! Winter, in comparison, is a quiet time. When we think of the sounds of the season we normally think of the music. Christmas carols, holiday songs and beach music but they are not the sounds I am hearing now. I'm hearing noise ! It is true ,there is a price to pay. I have the warmth I so sorely missed, but it has come at a price. Oh, there are moments when all is quiet and peaceful, I begin to drift into a bit of a dream world, the slight breeze and the comforting warmth when, VROOOOOM, shift, VROOOM and a loud screech ! What ? Oh, a motorcycle, it might be a tractor or a combine going by, tractor trailers and fire trucks. That's what you get for living in town. This noise will continue well into late November. Well, I will only be aware of it until I put the air conditioners in the widows. After that all I'll hear is the hum of those units, they seldom stop. And that old electric bill reappears. Not much one can do about that.
There was a time when the noise of things happening outside drew my curiosity. That is not the case anymore. I guess I have aged and mellowed. No longer do I run to see what is up. Now all I hear is a bunch of noise ! Good grief. The sound of loud music and raucous laughter is no longer an alluring thing. Engines revving and tires squealing causes me to shake my head. What kinda nonsense is that ? Like B.B. King wrote, The thrill is gone, the thrill is gone away. What I want now is peace and quiet. Time to think.
One of my dreams is to retire and live on a mountain. I would like to be close to a lake or a mountain stream so I could fish. The catching of the fish is not so important as the act of fishing. I can see myself in a little cabin, snow on the ground, fire roaring in the fireplace and a good book. Peace and quiet. An occasional descent into the valley for the necessary supplies is all I would require. I would like to live with the windows open. That would be ideal to me, to have the windows thrown open and not have to be bothered with noise. The sounds of nature would be all that is necessary. Of course a cottage by the sea would be equally as welcome. The sound of the surf and the screech of a gull. Now that would be a great soundtrack to live by.
All I can say is the world was a quieter place when I was growing up. I could listen to the whip or wills and tree frogs. The sounds of the birds and the whisper of the wind. Cool summer nights were filled with those sounds. I lived on the edge of the wood, three miles from town. Now I live in town, downtown Greensboro. Some day's it might as well be New York City ! Maybe that is why I get up so early, to enjoy that silence in the morning. Our minds have a way of adjusting to situations. All is quiet out there right now, it won't last though. Before I know it there will be noise ! That second stoplight in Greensboro hasn't helped at all. It just slowed the noise down a little bit ! Oh, and that bar that opened down the street from me, the outdoor concerts will be starting up. The noise will go on till ten o'clock at night ! Oh, the mountains and the sea are more appealing every day.