Thursday, December 31, 2015


 It is the last day of the calendar year. Goodbye 2015. Another year in history. No one thing springs to the forefront in this past year. A lot of lesser things do however. It was the year everyone got offended, by everything ! I think maybe that is what I will remember the most. Flags being taken down and monuments removed. People refusing to bake cakes and take pictures ! A man wins " women " of the year. Yeah, it is has been quite the year to be offended or just left scratching your head. The government removing religious symbols from public lands because some are offended. The same government then insisting upon bringing in ten thousand refugees because, " it's the Christian thing to do. " Never mind their religion preaches to destroy us. Am I the only one that sees that contradiction ? And then there are those that are offended that the NSA and CIA are spying on people. What are the purpose of those agencies ? They're spies ! So we should be offended that they are doing their job. Yes, it is has been quite the year.
 2016 is a leap year so we get an extra day. It is also an election year and I can't wait to cast my ballot. I don't know who I'm voting for just yet, but I'll just be ecstatic to see him go ! More damage has been done to our country in the last eight years than is imaginable. It will take some serious work to straighten it out. Benefits and freebies once handed out will cause a great deal of unrest when withdrawn. And that is what is going to have to happen, withdrawal. America needs to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to focus more upon our own problems and quit giving everything away ! That includes supporting those in this country that are just too lazy to work ! It will be a stark wake up call for some. At least that is what I am hopeful of. The party has to end !
 I have no plans for this evening. Might have some cheese and crackers and an ice tea to celebrate. I doubt that I will see midnight (2016) arrive. I have to go to work in the morning. I can't stay up that late and function well the next day. That is a young mans' game. It just ain't worth the pain ! That's simply because there ain't no gain in it ! I have barely gotten used to writing twenty instead of nineteen and now I'll have to remember sixteen as well ! Nineteen something is starting to sound pretty old isn't it ? I saw a sign that said if you weren't born before this date in 1997 you can't buy cigarettes. I thought, 1997 and you can buy cigarettes ? Has it been that many years ? Yes, I guess it has. Are you old enough to buy cigarettes ? Yes I am I was born in 1996 ! I've got sweaters and a coat older than that ! I still think of them as " new. " Then I ran across another reminder. I saw a magnetic business card advertising " beepers. "  That's right, beepers, also known as a pager. They still make them, and some still use them, but their popularity really ended in the mid 1990's. I had all but forgotten about that bit of technology. Makes me wonder what tech will disappear from popular use over the next twenty years. Will we all be wearing " communicators ? " Some already do, I see them in the store. I can't see myself ever doing so. Will all our communications then be encrypted ? All this wireless tech is easily hacked by those in the know. Drones are making the headlines now and will only continue in the new year. What useful purpose will be found for them on a big scale ? UPS wants to deliver small packages with them. Will your pizza be delivered that way also ? It's a brave new world but you do have to be careful not to get offended. But judging by 2015, we have already been offended by everything so we should have that taken care of. Happy New Year

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