Thursday, December 3, 2015

A little upset

 My mind and thoughts are naturally preoccupied with the recent events in  California. The senseless taking of lives for some unknown cause sickens me. The news reporting sickens me. You can feel the excitement in the air at certain news outlets as they sense a jump in ratings. A few details have been reported. Two of the shooters are of apparent Eastern European descent. Terrorism has not been ruled out. The anti -gun narrative just went up another notch. I predict an increase in gun sales as the pressure to refuse gun sales increases. This is indeed a very unsettling time in America. There are no easy solutions or answers. I can only say I fully support the second amendment. I firmly believe it is one of the foundations that made this country great. The restriction of that right is the first step to governmental control of the population. Disarm the public and make them financially dependent upon the government is an old strategy. The founding fathers knew this and that is one reason they wrote the second amendment. When you join the military you take an oath to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic ! It is far easier to defend against unarmed " domestic enemies "  than ones that are capable of fighting back. Who controls the military ? Think about that.
 Is there someone or some group that is trying to destroy America ? A big conspiracy ? The increase in the divisive nature of some main stream news reporting troubles me deeply. The narrative is rights for the " minorities. " The same people screaming that at the top of their lungs also scream about Democracy. Well, first off this is a Republic. In the second place guess who rules in a Democracy ? The Majority ! You cannot have a Republic or a Democracy without the rule of law. Granting special rights and dispensation to various minority groups undermines both. The removal of rights from the majority to satisfy the displeasure of those same groups will also undermine the society. The politicians are our representatives not our rulers ! It is a safe assumption that politicians seek power. That is why they pursue that as a career. That is not to say they are evil people, but that they seek positions of authority. Patriotism is employed by governments and politicians to inspire the public. It only requires a small percentage of the population to comply. Give the population the impression their Country is under attack and they will respond. Today the government would have us believe that " GUNS " are the enemy. Today the government would have us believe that Religious faith has no place in that Government. Even as our country is being attacked by those espousing a religious belief that we " infidels " must be killed, this narrative continues. Our defense against this ? Take away our guns.
 So the question is really just who is the Majority in this country ? The answer should be, the informed voting public ! We the people. It is not an ethnic or religious group. It is not the politicians we elected to represent us. It is the people, the citizens of this Republic. We must make our wishes known. We must set aside all this divisive rhetoric and unite as one republic. We need to stand up, as our forefathers did to establish this nation. It is time to stand again. We must stand together, as Americans ! If someone gets offended, that is just too damn bad. 

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