Monday, December 21, 2015

Chrsitmases past

 My weekend was a flurry of wrapping gifts and attending the Nutcracker performances. Now I wake up and see it is only three days till Christmas. At least that is what the countdown calendar shows but I count it as four days. That makes it feel like I have a bit more time. I haven't made the deadline, that much is sure, as far as mailing things. Oh well, I'm old I'll use that as an excuse. Had to wait for that social security check to come in you know. LOL  Or I could say I had a doctors appointment. Doctors appointments trump anything else on the calendar. Now I need to get ready for work. You never know if the grocery store is going to be busy or not. Depends on how much money people have left after buying gifts. Gifts before food !
 I didn't have the television on that much over the weekend. That is a good thing as I needed a break from the rest of the world. If you listen to the news like I do I', sure you understand. It doesn't make all that stuff go away but giving it a rest can't hurt. I missed the Democratic debate but we all know who is running and leading in that race. I really dislike even listening to her. I won't get started on that subject however, three days till Christmas ! A new year is coming and I am anxious for it to arrive. 2016 just sounds like a good year. Sixteen is better than fifteen right ? Got my drivers license at sixteen, at fifteen I was still riding a bicycle.  Fifteen years ago we were all worried about the millennial ! The computer clocks didn't now about a new century. The banks were going to fail and lose all our money. The world might come to an end ! There were some that were pretty nervous about the turn of the century. Well fifteen years later and not much has changed. Safe to say we got by that one.
 I didn't hear about any must have toy for this Christmas. No beanie babies, tickle me Elmo's or gaming systems. I did hear a lot about hoverboards that apparently burst into flames. My granddaughter Morgan was asking for one of those. It ain't happening. I did check them out and they are nothing more than a Segway without a handle. They do range in price from hundreds to thousands. I think the cheaper ones are the one bursting into flames. They have been banned from airplanes. Not that I fly often but I think that is a wise decision. They do look like they would be fun, although a little dangerous. Isn't that what makes them fun though when you are young ? It's like climbing tress and swinging from the branches, fun, just not very safe. Or jumping in the water. Well I do come from a generation that drank water right out of the hose ! Didn't use hand sanitizer either ! None of my toys burst into flames during the night however.
 I'm hoping we will never see a repeat of those shopping crowds. You know the ones, where people got punched, trampled and generally mistreated trying to get those toys. I expect we all just do it online nowadays. I think that is a good thing. Sad in a way that we have to do that, that people can't behave in a reasonable fashion. Well those Christmas shopping stories will become part of Christmas past, grandparents telling the grandchildren legendary stories of shopping, in the old days. Conan the Christmas shopper ! I purchased quite a few of my gifts online this year and I gotta say, I like it.
 So it's off to get this week started and I'll end it with Christmas. I am looking forward to it. That hasn't always been the case. I'm sure we all have had those times, when you just didn't feel like it. I would say my Christmas spirit is moderate this year. Not to the point of excitement quite yet but building. The weather is warming and that will dampen the spirit a bit. No, it won't ! I'll watch some snow on television.
 Oh by the way, did I mention my boys are forty today ! Forty. Twin brothers that don't look much alike. One lives in New York and the other just down the road from me. Seems like only a few years ago I was buying them the Hulk Hogan workout sets ! Why I remember buying them each a television for their bedroom. They were small, the televisions. and portable. You could plug them into the wall or a cigarette lighter port in the car. That was before they were called power ports.  They were black and white ! The kids thought they were broken at first because of that. I didn't realize they had never seen a black and white television before that. Now they are forty and we have flat screen televisions. They call them monitors more often than not. Forty Christmases have passed. Man, there goes some of my spirit ! Well, it's also the first day of winter. Crap, I'd better quit writing or I'll have no spirit left !

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