Thursday, December 17, 2015

Adrift, In a fog

 There are days when I feel like I'm adrift. I'm moving, but do not know where I'm going. I think we all share that feeling occasionally. I also think that not everyone is aware of it. There are those that go through life believing they are in control all the time. It isn't so. Circumstances arise to halt our forward progress. We are then forced to navigate around the obstacle. It is true we can choose the course but that doesn't mean we are in control. It can be frustrating. There are times when we just choose to drift, to just go with the flow. It is the easier path but not as satisfying. Still it is part of the journey.
 Being adrift doesn't mean you do not know where you want to go. It only means you have lost your means of propulsion. There are times when that means is financial, and times when it is mental. We may just get lost in the fog. If you stay alert, notice what is going on around you, I find you constantly adjust your course. That is as it should be, as there are few constants in the world. A complete dedication to a cause is admired but can also be a detrimental thing. It really depends upon how that dedication is viewed by the majority. Sanity is determined in the same fashion.
 Each morning I try to write some thoughts. Some mornings they are nothing more than memories. Those would seem to be the easiest, but it isn't so. Memories, my memories, can be of little interest to others. It is surprising how many of those memories fit that category. Memories are a personal thing. Shared memories are a luxury. They are a luxury that comes with friendship. Strangely they are best enjoyed in solitude.
 This morning my thoughts are scattered. I can't seem to remain focused on one thing for more than a few minutes. I find myself looking about, trying to get my bearings. Christmas looms large on the horizon. I have many obligations to fulfill before that day. They are all obligations of my own making. Commitments some would call them. Personal commitment. No way around that " obstacle ". It is straight ahead. I have to battle the tide and current rushing at me. I had best just set the course and keep at it. When in the tempest it is hard to remember that fair winds and a following sea are just over the horizon. You just have to keep sailing.

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