Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Under the weather

 Apparently the weather has caught up to me, and run me over. I'm a little under it. Being a man the sickness is pretty bad. That 's just the way of the world though and there isn't much to do done about it. Let nature run her course is my usual reaction. I have taken some Tylenol, taking any kind of medicine is something I rarely do. Well I'll survive this I'm quite certain. If I don't I'm not certain I'll know about it. I'm hoping to have it pass before the new year arrives. Don't want to start the year out sick.
 I'm thinking I may have a touch of influenza. On the news there were talking about that boy that suffered from " affluenza " I wonder if I could get a shot of that ? I don't get a flu shot because I do not want that germ injected into my body. This " affluenza " however I think I could deal with. Seriously though, ever hear of anything so silly ? A psychiatrist testified in court that this boy, because of his parents wealth, didn't have a sense of responsibility. He killed four people in a drunk driving accident and received no jail time whatsoever. That is " affluenza. " Now that I think about it I must have received a shot of the " affluenza antidote " because I have never caught " affluenza. " Affluence has avoided me, like the plague !
 Thinking about affluence tonight's Powerball jackpot is over 300 million dollars. I just may have to buy a ticket. Could use that to pay off Christmas bills and the phone bill. I think I would have enough, after taxes, to manage that. It is fun to dream about. I have no idea what I would do if I ever won that much money. I really do believe I would never be broke again. You hear about those that do, but I'm certain I wouldn't be one of them. I would never be convinced to invest it because that is enough so why risk it ? You should only invest to make more and that would certainly be enough. Yes, I believe it is possible to have enough money. I also believe that it doesn't mean I have to give any of it away either. It's mine to do with as I please. I favor the conservative approach.
 So it's off to work for me. I don't feel bad enough to justify staying home. I'll be a little lethargic but those I work with will be sympathetic. That's the good part of working with a great bunch of people. That's what happens when you live in a rural community. I don't think that exists as much in the urban environment. I can see a difference in people and their attitudes dependent upon their location. The larger the town or city the people tend to be ruder. It's a generalization I know, but does hold some validity. Consider a big city, neighborhoods are the close knit bunch. In the country, it is towns ! Man hasn't strayed all that much from the days of " clans. " And I'm not necessarily talking about the Scots. We have a good " clan " at the Save a Lot ! I have to get feeling better soon, got a truck coming next year ! Retail waits for no man.    

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