Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Watching the calendar

 New years eve will soon be here. I saw some advertisement for entertainment that night. Baltimore is hosting a huge fireworks display. I was wondering when that tradition began. I don't seem to recall any fireworks when I was growing up. When I first moved to Maryland I discovered a tradition of shooting all your guns off at midnight. Not sure if that is a regional thing or not but I haven't heard much of it in the last few years. I expect it is a sign of the times. When I was a child, still at home, Mom and Dad listened to Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians. It was a low key deal around our house. Watch that show and go to bed.
 I have never attended a real New Years eve party in my life. During my Navy days I certainly went out and enjoyed New Years eve a few times but no organized party. I may have come close to hosting a New Years party but don't remember doing so. Well events associated with excessive amounts of alcohol are often not remembered very well. That's a good thing ! I couldn't say with certainty the last year I watched the ball drop in New York. On television I mean, I have never been there in person and have no desire to do so. A crowd of that size would definitely irritate me. I really dislike crowds.
 I do have a tradition of eating sauerkraut on New Years Day. That tradition comes from my wife who insists it will give you health and wealth. We have both been blessed with reasonably good health, just waiting on the wealth. I try to, take down Christmas, on New Years day. That is something that I have only started doing the last few years. With age comes responsibility. I'm trying to be more responsible. Really I'm just trying to be more organized so I don't have to remember where everything is. That seems to get harder every year. I have no explanation for that. Maybe it's that " old timers " disease, LOL. Alzheimer's or " old timers " almost the same thing isn't it ?
 New Years eve I will watch some television and probably go to bed long before midnight. It never was and never will be a big deal to me. Just another day. Back in the day when I thought the consumption of alcohol was fun, I didn't need a holiday to imbibe. New Years eve appears to be centered around that activity. Hey, not judging here, enjoy yourselves if that is your thing. I'm just not, in that place , at this point in life. I won't rule out taking a turn in the road and finding myself back there. Had a lot of good times. The thing for me is this, I was born in July. The year begins and ends , for me, in July. I am 62.5 years old. I celebrate my years, call it a birthday. I celebrate the birth of Christ. I just can't see the big deal about a calendar. I did get a new calendar as a Christmas gift. It is one I will enjoy. Here's a picture of it !

I'll be happy happy when this calendar is expired !

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