Friday, December 18, 2015

Sick of it

 With all that is going on in the world the thing I hear most about this morning is Star Wars. Think about that for a minute. Quite the commentary on America isn't it ? I mean, terrorism, hunger, homeless veterans, health care, the elections and on and on but now it's Star Wars ! Really people. You will stand or sit in line for days, even weeks to see a movie, with out worry or fear, all the while insisting we should have free health care and fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage. Really ?
 I shouldn't be a bit surprised I mean just look at the salaries we pay our " sports " figures. I know of one that was recently offered 150 million dollars to play baseball for seven years, he turned it down, not enough. Many of the fans agree with that. One hundred and fifty million dollars ! The same people that think that is fair complain when they have to wait for their doctors appointment thirty minutes longer than expected. I can wait for a week to watch a movie though ! Just where are our priorities ?
 I'm not sure just why this bothers me this morning as much as it does. I'm quite used to seeing people act like a bunch of fools. Line up and wait to give you my money. I need to be entertained. I will dress up as a character from the movie, sure I'm fifty but I don't look foolish at all. I. along with literally millions of others will set a box office record in profit for one day, hundreds of millions, but we can't raise money for our Veterans or the homeless or even homeless veterans ! It's just crazy.
 I will finish by saying this. I'll see Star Wars when and if it is convenient to do so. I will not stand in line to do so. It is entertainment, that is all. Being an expert on " Star Wars " is not an accomplishment. It tells me you have too much time on your hands that you are not using productively. Everyone needs a break that is true, but to spend days waiting on a movie ? I think you need to reevaluate your priorities. Too bad we couldn't get people to line up for COMMON SENSE ! Maybe then we could begin to solve some of these world issues that are a bit pressing in my opinion. Like maybe not killing each other because of our religious affiliation. Makes me sick.

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