Wednesday, December 23, 2015


 It struck me this morning how quickly we have moved on from the Muslim discussion. Remember there were fourteen people killed, when ? It was twenty one days ago. Seem a lot longer ? I believe for the majority of us it does but I'm certain it doesn't for those affected. Of course the real question in all of that is, was it a Muslim terror attack or just two deranged people who are also Muslims ? That is the question the government is struggling to answer. Many American have already made that decision. Many Americans have also moved on. And that is the real problem here, complacency. We will not make any serious attempts at further action until it happens again. We talked and talked and talked some more. Fingers were pointed and a few stupid things were said and done. Proposals were offered. Now the clamor has died down, the initial shock is over.
 I thought about that as I sat here enjoying my Christmas preparations.  The tree is up and presents are scattered underneath. I am thinking about those last minute things. That is when I thought about those fourteen that have had their last things, their last minutes. They were at a Christmas party or Holiday Party if you prefer. For their families there can't be much joy in the season. Forever a cloud will shroud their holidays. I pray for peace for them all. This is the season of Peace, or at least it should be. Jesus has been called the Prince of Peace. With a new year fast approaching I can only hope for change.
 I didn't intend for this mornings blog to be so somber. We do need to move forward. We also need to learn from the past. Those fourteen people were not just a lesson in a book however. They deserve to be remembered for their lives, not their death. I will remember them on Christmas morning, in a special way, and hope others will do the same.

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