Friday, January 1, 2016

compromise and resolutions

 The first day and the first blog of a new year. What to write about ? I was pleased to get up and not hear about anything tragic having taken place. It was a concern. That doesn't mean we shouldn't remain vigilant, we certainly have to do that. Maybe that will be the word of the year, vigilance. We also must guard against vigilance turning into paranoia. The presidential race will lead the headlines for me. It is my belief we are at a critical time in the history of America. At least the America I know and love. Change is often an unsettling thing and causes anxiety. That best describes my feeling for this new year, anxious. I'm not excited for the challenge but anxious for the outcome. Choices must be made and choices upheld. It is time for a reaffirmation of America and American values and traditions. It is time for " We the people " to stand up and voice our concerns and assert our desires. To be a representative republic, as our forefathers envisioned it, we hold far more responsibility than merely casting a vote. We must hold our representatives accountable for their representation ! " We the people " have become apathetic.
 Pundits will tell you to set goals for the new year. Achieving your goals will bring happiness and a feeling of self worth. Yeah well, that is a little touchy feely for me, I don't set goals. By setting a goal I am obligating myself to a course of action. I much prefer to just deal with life as it comes along. Some would say it is a way to avoid disappointment. I can see the truth in that. I don't feel any pressure to do a thing. The truly great things you accomplish in life are done from a sense of self. You do those things because you want to and know them to be right. There is no pretense involved or accolades required. Your greatest accomplishments should go unnoticed. So to those pundits I say, do not set a goal, that is a limitation. Rather seek the unlimited. You should just continue on your path. It is like the old saying, " it is not the destination but the journey that is important. " Do not rely upon artificial goals to seek your peace.
 I make no resolutions for the new year. I have never really done that. If I want to do something I just do it. It takes action to accomplish anything. All the talk and reasoning in the world is of little value unless acted upon. You simply must remain resolute in your choices ! Don't need to wait a year to do that. That is part of the problem we are facing today. We do not remain resolute ! Was a time in America when that wasn't the case. Consider our heroes of old, they were all resolute in their beliefs and their actions. There was no compromise in that regard. Now it is compromise rather than resolution ! Make the choice and remain resolute in that choice ! It may cost you in friendship, money, power or prestige but that is the cost you must be willing to pay, to remain resolute. Greatness is not achieved through compromise but through hard work and a firm belief.
 I wish for each of you reading these words a prosperous and happy new year. May fortune smile upon you. Be kind to one another and listen. Make no compromise for your beliefs or value. Remain resolute. To coin a nautical metaphor, " keep a firm hand on the tiller and your eyes on the stars " the course lies before you.

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