Thursday, January 21, 2016

Aribtrary ?

 I am growing increasingly annoyed by this new attitude in America. All I hear is whining ! Sounds like a bunch of spoiled little brats. This isn't fair, I didn't get, or I want. It is everywhere and in everything. It is nothing specific and I'm not saying that some are unfounded but it is just so unbecoming for a nation. I blame it on an increasing reliance upon government. We turn to government and the laws of man for answers and the result is this frustration. We have surrendered our independence. We surrendered that independence in the belief that we were making progress. It started at the local level and spread its' way to the national. Now we are obsessed with " correctness. " That is the perception, but the reality is we are attempting to form a society of arbitration. And that is what I am seeing, because in arbitration you plead your case. You may site law or human rights to reinforce your belief but you are pleading.
 I believe what is required is a set of standards. Everything can not be arbitrary or arbitrated ! The laws man makes are just that. They are agreed upon by the majority, or at least the authority, in a society. It really makes no difference whether that authority is Communists, Socialists, or Capitalists the laws are subject to arbitration. But I know a set of laws that are not. We all know those laws as they are an inherit part of our makeup. You can see that in action with little children. Prejudice and privilege are learned behaviors. Start with a simple premise that existed in this nation at its' founding and continued until sometimes in the 1960's. We are a Christian nation founded in Christian traditions and beliefs. Oh, but now that is subject to debate. The first amendment is thought to be arbitrary ! It doesn't appear that way to me however, I think it is quite clear. The establishment of a religion is the acknowledgment of religion ! That religion is Christianity ! And that is what they were saying, that Christianity shall not be the state religion. Why would they do that ? The reason is a simple one, the Church of England had abused the population using that very religion as an excuse to do so. That is because mans' law is indeed arbitrary even in the interpretation of the Bible. Our founders went on the hope that man would treat each other in a Christian fashion. Idealistic ? Absolutely, they had to be they were founding a new nation ! A nation like one never before created. They began by declaring certain truths to be self evident ! No arbitration required with those truths.
 Now just where we fell off the tracks I can't say. That we are off the track is without question. We need to quit the complaining and whining and get working on the solutions. The answers may not be pleasing to some. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by all the noise. We do need to take a firm stand in defense of independence. And let me tell you this, you can't gain independence with the help of government ! Duh, government is the beast that is driving this downfall. Limited government was the idea. Just passing legislation to protect or approve behaviors to appease the electorate is not leading. It also does not make those actions appropriate or acceptable. If you find yourself at odds with the majority of the population there is probably a good reason for that. The goal in life is not to " get your way " but to contribute something positive. To get back on track will take a commitment. It is something that will have to be taught to succeeding generations. You know it isn't a popular answer but I know one, prayer. And just what is prayer ? A solemn request for help or guidance. It is my belief we all pray to the same God regardless of what you call him/her or whatever. That is the God that created man and gave us those truths that are indeed self-evident ! We need to return to those truths.     

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