Sunday, November 30, 2014

Words in Rhyme

Lingering reflections in my mind, pictures of a place and time. A place I was and should have been,a place I will go again.
Occasionally entire lines come to me. These two just appeared and I wrote them down. Two lines of poetry ? Why not ? Images can be painted with just a few brushstrokes, so too our words. The words we speak or write should inspire thought. These words led me to think that our memories are like reflections in a mirror. We believe we know what to expect, but are sometimes surprised. Sometimes the reflection isn't what we thought at all. Is it perception, or reality ? The two things may be entirely different. That is why we get surprised. But why should we be surprised by what is real ? Is it because our mind wants to remember something else ?
Reflections in a mirror can be distorted. This also true with the reflections in our minds. The rose colored glasses effect one might say. As a whole we do tend to remember the past with a deep fondness. Label it nostalgia if you will, but it is a lingering reflection, albeit distorted over time. I see my past through the eyes of the future. It is what I see  today that matters. Where I was in the past, whether by design or circumstance is of little consequence. It is the place I should have been. It is the past that forms our future. Past actions influencing current reactions. We may not see that all the time but it is true nonetheless. It is also true we are fated to repeat certain actions and reactions. And so, a place I will go again.
Perhaps more lines of thought will come to me. I never know when it will happen. Are these lines incomplete thoughts ? Today I do not think that they are. I think they are just what I was thinking. I hope they make you think as well.

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