Friday, November 21, 2014


Funny how things change so quickly. I was in a settled pattern of activity and going along fine. Life was progressing at a comfortable pace. Now it seems like I'm living in a flurry of activity. I barely have time to think ! Everything is so rushed, so necessary. And that is the key here, necessary. I have much to accomplish and feel like I have little time to do it. I'm stressing out ! That is not at all like me. I am one of those people that doesn't do stress well. In the past I would have frequent brief explosions to relieve stress. As I grew older those periods of " blowing off steam " became less and less. There are several factors involved in that that I won't go into, suffice to say, I've calmed down considerably.
Anxious may be a better choice of words for the way I am feeling. I guess stress and anxiety go together, or so I've heard it said. I can do without either. Anxiety to me is more like fear and that isn't really what I feel. I don't feel afraid, just anxious for the future. I want to get on with it and return to a normal existence. What is normal to me, may not be to you. All of life is subjective. Being a man of faith I believe all things happen for a reason. Nothing is random ! May not be able to explain everything but that doesn't mean it just happens. There is a cause and effect to everything. What causes you to react may affect me. Then that happening to me isn't a random act, it was caused by you. See my logic here ? The domino effect may be the explanation to it all. Makes no difference if I am number two or number two hundred thousand in that chain it was caused by one. And there is but one ! And so there you have it, all solved. Simple.
Faith requires no logic. There is one and he controls it all. Simple. Makes sense to me. May cause me to wonder, to speculate about the reasoning behind such a decision, but doesn't change faith. Either you have faith or you don't. Simple.
My time is running short this morning. Life is racing at me and I must move forward with it. Things to do and places to go. I would like to spend more time pondering the mysteries of life and pontificating about them, but that isn't going to happen this morning ! Just don't have the time. Simple.
You know you can worry,plan,strategize, organize and categorize. You may sit and agonize over a choice for hours or sometimes days. In the end you make a decision. For me, when I have reached that point, I have decided, it is always easy. The answer I mean. I've decided to do this and that is what I will do. Simple. The real question is, how come life can be so complicated ? The answer ? Trying to find too many answers to questions we shouldn't even ask. It is , well, simple.

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