Friday, November 7, 2014


There was a time when I would hear new slang words being used. Words like cool,keen,groovy and far out man. I still hear a few occasionally, the newest for me being, swag. I'm not sure if you have swag or just buy swag but that is not the point. That is because I'm not into that scene man.
Maybe it is due to my age. I'm sure it is  a product of my social group, but I'm just not hip to it. Now I hear other terms being used. The latest one I hear all the time is empowerment ! I feel empowered. Apparently you can be empowered by the menu at the McDonalds. Clothes may empower you, at least according to the Gap. The way it is being used these days all of us must be oppressed ! I didn't know that. I didn't realize that my actions were dependant upon permission from anyone else, let alone a product or service. As long as I pay, I am empowered ? Um, I guess so. It just sounds like someone discovered this word in the dictionary, maybe a Google suggestion, and started applying it to everything. Anytime you do anything at all, you are empowered. That is especially so if it affects your " quality of life. " That's another little phrase I have problems with. My quality of life is also not dependant upon you,your products, or your permission. Do not try to tell me what my " quality " should be. Can't we just go back to calling each other Dog ? Yo Dog, what's happening ? I'm down with that ! At least those make me chuckle.
I don't know, the use of these phrases just doesn't ring true with me. They sound hollow and pretentious.Sounds like an attempt to sound sophisticated. Problem is the application of the term doesn't apply most of the time ! Liberating is an appropriate synonym. Buying a Big Mac or a new pair of jeans at the Gap doesn't sound liberating to me. Liberated from what ? Social pressure or body image ? Maybe those that use this just like to feel like they have the power. I'm empowered. I can choose what I want. I'm writing this blog, I feel empowered ! Ha Ha Ha
If we in America spent as much time and effort actually working on issues rather than describing them, we might get something accomplished. We do pay a lot of lip service to everything. No longer do we just state the facts as we see them. Now .apparently, we need to be empowered. It all just sounds like we need our ego's massaged. The search for approval is more important than the search for the best answers.
I do tend to get carried away sometimes. Maybe this is one of those. It is just that all this " pep " talk of being empowered annoys me. To me it is kinda like when " rappers " figured out words could rhyme. Now they call it music and receive awards for that. Expressing the social conscience, they say. Yeah, okay. Well, twenty three skidoo and Tyler too.

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