Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cavalier or cavalier ?

I was watching the Army/Air Force football game. It was being played at West Point. As the camera scanned the crowd, notably the Corps of Cadets, I couldn't help but notice they were wearing fatigues. As a retired Navy man I notice these things. There was a time, in the not too distant past when they would have all been in their dress uniforms. I wonder when that tradition changed. Or more properly, it was not a tradition, but mandatory. In the Navy we would call it the uniform of the day. It was the prescribed uniform to be worn for that day and/or event. I'm not familiar with Army terminology. But, the point here is they would have been in their dress uniforms. Fatigues seem a bit casual to me. And that is at the center of today's thought. I'm thinking things have gotten a little too casual these days. There is an old saying, familiarity breeds contempt, and I understand the logic behind that thought. I would have to agree with it. And I would also say people display a lot of contempt these days : coincidence, I think not.
I know I am repeating myself. I make a conscious effort to avoid doing that in my blogging. Still I know I fail. I think as long as I know it and admit to it, it isn't the same thing. Circular reasoning . At any rate, I can't help but think that life is a formal occasion and should be lived that way, at the very least, publicly. Formality is conducive to respect. I would go as far as to say, a vital element. Isn't that what that old saying is talking about ? That is why we say Sir and Ma'am. By addressing those we are not familiar with in that fashion, we extend a measure of respect. You often hear that respect must be earned. That is a fair statement. I do believe respect should be offered first. Whether or not that person earns my continued respect is up to them. Actions, not appearances, mark the man. Everyone is deserving until proven otherwise.
I think just as " clothes make the man " so too our manner of speech. How is one related to the other ? I would say the lessening of formality is a lessening of effort and expectations. That is not to say it requires fancy clothes, but rather it requires effort. Our expectations are lowered when that formality is no longer required. We can now just, go as we are. That attitude encourages us to, just act as we are. Often, when we just act without thought, we act contrary to society's expectations. It requires effort to consider those expectations and act accordingly. It is this tempering of our words and actions that makes for a congenial society. I see a lessening in that regard in the general public today. We are no where near as congenial as we were forty years ago. Have we become paranoid, or has society degenerated that much ? I suggest it is a result of this lessening of formality. The lowering of expectations and effort required. Being held to a higher standard is another way of saying that. It certainly appears that way to me. I would say the moral and ethical values being taught as acceptable in today's society are not the same as preceding generations.
There are those that will argue that is because we are more educated. We have advanced our society with more liberal views and tolerance. We have made changes. I can see that, but not all changes are for the better. Acting in an unconsidered and unrestrained manner is not a good thing. Structure is a requirement for a society to exist. Within that structure there are standards to be met. That is the expectation. Effort is required is to satisfy those expectations. Our approach has become far too casual. Cavalier is the word that comes to mind. Not the chivalrous knights of old, but the offhand attitude. A showing of a lack of proper concern. We should be concerned. We should be just as concerned for others as we are for ourselves.
I can sum all this up with a couple of phrases I often heard at home. You ain't going out of the house looking like that ! and If you can't act right, you're going home ! I'm thinking more people need to be hearing those two bits of instruction. I think it would go a long way to making a better world. 

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