Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Still Interested

I missed writing a post yesterday. It is the second time in a week and a very unusual occurrence. I am very much aware of it. Funny how these habits and routines ingrain themselves in our lives. I don't feel like I had anything of great importance to say, just the exercise of writing I suppose. I have that same feeling this morning.
Today ,however, is a special day. Thirty years ago today I married. The years have been filled with every emotion a human can experience. The ups and downs of every marriage. The important part in all of that is that we are still together. Seems we both reached a mutual agreement. We can live together. That says a lot right there. Those hallmark cards will wax poetic about deep and abiding love. Yes, I love my wife. The truth is that we can share with each other, unconditionally. Doesn't sound romantic, but it is essential to that relationship we call marriage. There are no secrets and no regrets.
When you have been with someone for thirty years, and still look in wonder at the next day together, you have a good marriage. Sure we look and reminiscence at the past. The good times, the bad times, the children and choices made and that is great. But it is the looking forward that binds us. The desire to spend another day together learning about each other. Maintaining an interest ? You could put it that way I think. I'm still interested in her and I hope, she I. After all, she is my favorite.
I think the biggest stumbling block people have in their marriages is really quite simple. They forget that marriage is about " us " not me. When there are too many  " I's " in your sentences and thoughts things will degenerate quickly. A marriage, a union, a compact. A mutual agreement. It is " we " and not I. Yes, and sometimes you take it for the team ! As for me, I can't wait for the next chance to do just that. What is good for the team is good for me. 

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