Monday, November 17, 2014

Emotional response

I'm going back to work today. A return to the normal routine of life can be therapeutic. It can also be a struggle. My mind is in a different place and my patience is thin. We do tend to think others should be aware of our personal circumstances, when there is no logical reason why they should. I think that is a part of human nature. It is also human nature to ask and be curious. For various reasons I am not prepared to talk. Still, life goes on. That is a comfort in its' own right.
I have the morning news on and that is a return. I haven't been watching that lately either. So far, I haven't missed much. The news can be depressing. There are good things happening but it is the bad that gets the headlines. That has always been so and so that hasn't changed. The sensational interests us all. Funny how quickly the sensational can become the mundane though. We humans tend to adapt and absorb fairly quickly.
There are highs and lows. We are all aware of this and react differently. Some of us are sensitive to the slightest change and with others it takes a tidal wave to really get their attention. I would say I am not easily effected. In my present circumstance however, I am close to being overwhelmed. It is a feeling I dislike very much. I am thankful that I have reached a certain level of maturity. Not so many years ago an event of this magnitude would have been met differently. I'm glad I have grown up a little bit. The turbulence of youth has passed. Those fiery passions have subsided and measured response has replaced it. The emotion is there, the response is different. And that, is a good thing.
There are those that like to live there lives in extremes. I am not one of them. I like everything kept on a even keel. I'm no thrill seeker that much is sure. I also do not mourn loss for long. Some seek these extremes in levels but with me they are thrust upon me. I do my best to just meet them,deal with it and move on. I think it has something to do with the way my mind works. I like to analyze everything. In doing so, I often find  some logic. Logic leads to rational thought not emotional response. Rational thought is what is required in any crisis but emotional response is what we usually get. That is the human side of it. It is a balancing act. As I have written many times times before, balance is essential. I'm still a little shaken. Well, things will steady up.  

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