Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Every once and a while something happens that can change the game. I dislike that unsettled feeling. I can deal with changes,even major changes, without much difficulty, it is only the transitional phase that bothers me. The period until the new norm arrives causes fluctuations in my mood and behavior. Everything from empathy to anger and frustration. It is difficult to remember that this too shall pass.
The most difficult realization is that you have little control. The decision making is being controlled by fate and circumstance. There are outsiders in your business. Adjustments must be made. It is the uncertainty that nags at me. It is a time of trial.
For some this comes as a revelation and an awareness. For others it comes as a bother. And then, for most of us, I think we experience both. Guilt may creep in also. What if's and  I should have. It is the "spilled milk " syndrome. This can be a time of frantic activity or complete inaction. It is hard to concentrate.
My general reaction is to put on my " big boy " pants and deal with it. I do not like to ask for help, nor readily accept it when offered. What is it they say ? Pride cometh before the fall. Well, not if you remain standing. For me, I can deal with whatever actions I have taken or not taken. It is when I follow the advice of others, and that goes awry, that I am seriously bothered. I must live with my conscience, not theirs.
Now is the time to follow the advice you give to others. That can be a very difficult thing indeed. It is always easier to give advice than to follow it. This is the time when you will discover inner secrets. Can I live up to my own words or are they hollow rhetoric ? The crisis may not be about me, but the reaction is.
I do believe a positive approach is best. Hope for the best, and accept whatever it is. Understanding that I do not have the choice to set the standard is the pivotal feature in these situations. I must react to events as presented to me. Fortunately I am not alone. I have support from family and my God. This too shall pass. Will the game change ? Perhaps for a little while,perhaps forever. Only time will tell. Transitions are unsettling to say the least. The most important thing is to remain calm. 

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