Saturday, November 29, 2014

Memories Lost ?

Where do old memories go ? I spend a lot of time writing my memories down in the hopes they are preserved. Perhaps they will be of interest in future years, a curiosity. I can not know the fate of them. And it is with that thought that I do wonder, where do old memories go ? Surely those memories live, lost in time, for time is endless. Those old memories must just wander about and make an occasional appearance. Are they the wisdom of the ages ? We hear about that and I wonder where did that wisdom come from ? It must be lost memories, floating in time and space, rediscovered again and again. It is that reasoning that has lead me to say, there is little new one can say, only a rephrasing of the old. Memories and wisdom as old as the ages. Memory is the life force of the spirit. Memory keeps things alive.
Our memories are a unique gift we receive from our God. No one else has our memory. Even those we shared our lives and times with do not share that. If you don't believe that, ask your brother or your sister about events of the past, you will quickly learn. Similar events often form different memories. Memory is also tied to belief. The more you trust your memory, the stronger will be your belief. Doubts cause disbelief. Perhaps that is what causes restless spirits, doubting your own memory. In that doubt, belief is also lost. Then, having lost belief, there is no where for the spirit to go and it wanders.
I do believe each of us must contribute. It is our obligation. But what is our lasting contribution ? What can we offer to the future ? Our time here is but a moment. The only lasting thing is memory. Material objects will disintegrate over time or be lost. Wealth will dwindle and be gone. In time, even the conscious memory of us will fade away. Future generations may know our name and recognize our picture but little else. Our memories however, surely linger on. That is a thought I cling to. Call it vanity or pride if you will, but I must believe in that. To dismiss your life, your memories, would mean those memories are insignificant to the future. I can not believe I only live for today. There is far too much to learn to draw that conclusion. I have far too many unanswered questions. I also hear a lot of advice from the past. Are they memories lost ? Bits of wisdom from the ages ? Memory speaks to us. Is it only our memory that we hear ? Not, I think , if we listen closely enough. There are others. Memory retells the story. The story may change, but not the memory. How can that be ? Maybe it is old memories mixed with the new. Maybe that is where old memories go, to the new. In that way they continue on. 

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