Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Back in the saddle

My routine has been interrupted and I am struggling to get back on track. Each of us have our routines, some of us being more of a slave to it than others. It would seem that the older we get the more likely we are to have a routine. That is a little ironic, as the older we get the less we need that routine. For those of us that retire, the time is our own. Isn't that the purpose of retiring, to do what you want to do, when you want to do it ? But maybe as we age we like routines more because it takes less effort. Just get up and go. After so many years of having to be somewhere, doing something, that would make sense. I am only semi-retired so I still have to be someplace, sorta, it is a very flexible thing. When your son is the district manager of the store where you work, well you know. As we would say when I was in the Navy, I've got it like that. That statement says it all. Doesn't have anything to do with being fair or equitable, nope, I've got it like that. And having it like that, is a good thing.
This time my routine was interrupted by a required medical procedure. I will not bore you with any details about that. It was nothing serious in nature and is more of a preventative measure than anything else. This procedure took some preparation and that is what got me off track. This morning I am trying to get get going again. I'm already behind schedule, but getting there. I think it is going to be a wonderful day.
It has only been a day since I was knocked off this schedule of mine. It seems a lot longer somehow. I was thinking about retirement and wonder just what would I do all day ? Oh, if I had lots of money I am sure I could keep myself entertained but that isn't happening unless I win the lottery. So, just what kind of routine would I have then ? I would have to be doing something that doesn't cost a lot. I'm thinking volunteer work of some kind. Well, I don't really need to give that a lot of thought now, I'll be working for a number of years to come. I am only sixty, you know.
Now that I have this little blog written I feel better. More like I'm back in the saddle,as the saying goes. I did miss April Fools day. No one pranked me which was a good thing given the circumstances. I don't want any joking going on during a medical procedure ! Not that I don't enjoy a good prank or two but you understand. All went routinely and that is a good thing. I like routine.

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