Wednesday, April 9, 2014

PC Prayer

I just heard on the news that Carroll County Maryland is under a court order. It seems prayers were being said before the commissioners meeting. In these prayers the name Jesus was being used. A law suit has been filed and a federal judge has ordered that it stop ! Prayer can be said, but no mention of Jesus or any other specific deity allowed. In effect the government is now telling us how to pray ! At least how we can pray in public on public property. My first reaction was, that's outrageous. Now I'm thinking about that.
I'm thinking I can see that. Although I do believe this country was built on Christian values and ideals. I wonder how I would feel if there were prayers mentioning Mohammed or Buddha. Or what about some mention of Satan ? I'm thinking I wouldn't like it much. Maybe an appeal to a non specific deity is in order for those situations. The times they are a'changin'.
The supreme court has heard arguments in the Hobby Lobby, and others, case on religious freedom as it relates to the affordable care act. We are waiting for their opinion. There are others waiting to be heard about public prayer as it relates to public meetings. I am concerned for that opinion as well. All this litigation concerning religious freedom and belief. It is my opinion that the goal in all of this is to " prove " that our Republic does not have an " official state religion. " I don't think that needs to be proven. That issue has been hashed and rehashed over the last two hundred years. It was made perfectly clear by the founding fathers.
We hear a lot about race baiting these days. It is a means of division. Is this also a means of division ? I would certainly think so. I wonder who or what is behind this attitude ? Are these few people that are behind these suits that offended ? I do not think it bodes well for the country. In a country that prides itself on tolerance why this intolerance ? Is it really a question of Liberty for All ?
There are two things we are told to not talk about, Religion and Politics. We all know the reason for that. There is no right and wrong and few things stir a persons passions more than those two subjects. The thing that occurs to me however is, if you remove any religious belief from government, in a republic the people are the government, would you not then be removing some of the passion. Think of the great patriotic songs and hymns. Think of God Bless America was that not a uniting song ? We are the UNITED states. In these later years we are appearing to be the divided states. I am not proposing a state religion. I think the founders got it right. Let's put it to a vote then. Can we pray at official public functions or not ? Are we one nation under God ? And if we are not, than just what are we ?  One nation under whatever or nothing at all ?
It is just my opinion. I do think the founding fathers felt the majority of the country were Christians. I believe what they were saying is, as a Christian nation we will not persecute or hinder others, that may not be Christian, in the practice of their faith. I don't think they intended that the others could then inhibit the Christians in the practice of theirs. There were indeed men of vision. I don't think they ever thought of this.
Should the government be composing generic prayers for public meetings or functions ? No, I think it is all or nothing. My opinion.

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