Thursday, April 10, 2014


Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the wind. Or more correctly, writing. I do get a few comments every now and again and I appreciate them. For the most part I am left wondering. I wonder who is reading and if they are getting the message. Now, the message I try to convey is my message only. My thoughts and opinions. They are my truths, not necessarily yours. I think even the great thinkers in the world have sought affirmation. I do not profess to be a great thinker, but I certainly seek that affirmation. The time and energy expended to compose these little blog posts should not be lost. I say to myself the reason I write them is for future generations to know me. That is a part of it. I do believe we should leave a record, something for those left behind. I have put it this way in the past, I want to leave my story in my own words. When other tell the story it may not be what I want !
I have days when I question the validity of that statement. Am I writing for the future, or am I writing for now ? Writing for me. Is it wrong to want that affirmation ? There is a lesson there somewhere that says it is. It is a feeling of contradiction to openly say, I want people to listen to me. It also feels wrong to say, I want you to agree with me. The truth is both statements are true.
Is it in this contradiction that people " find "themselves ? We have all heard that expression. Is that what it means ? When we " find " ourselves we openly admit to the things we want. Do you get that belief in yourself to go forward, to chase the dream ? I think the perception we have of ourselves is the driving factor. What do you see yourself as ? Are you defined by your occupation ? The struggle for identity may be at the root of this " finding " yourself.
Why do we feel this need to define ourselves to others ? Is it because what other people see does not reflect what we think they should be seeing ? Are we really what others perceive us to be ? I think the answer to that is no. We are only what we choose to share. The image we project may or may not be what we really are. I wonder if you " find " yourself does that mean you then place your needs above all others ? That is not to say you treat others badly, but that your personal pursuit of happiness now takes precedence. Seems like a selfish act. Unless of course that happiness comes from making others happy. I would have to say it depends on what you " find " when you " find " yourself. It can be a little scary.
I think you could say this is also the basis of faith. If you believe this is all there is, then it would only be logical to , go for it. Make yourself happy, do your own thing, whatever floats your boat. But, if you believe there is something more you must prepare for that. Then leaving something of lasting value is of paramount importance. Something that makes others remember. Is that the biggest fear, that I will be forgotten ? Maybe that is the real reason for all this writing. 

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