Thursday, April 3, 2014

Good Enough

You've got a Champagne taste and a beer pocketbook ! I heard that particular euphemism more than once from my Dad. He was correct, of course, and that was just his way of pointing something out. Dad had a lot of expressions to fit every occasion. Some were not not as nice as that one, but always to the point. As I was listening to the news that particular one came to mind. I thought to myself, if America spent less time financing the Champagne, and just enjoying a beer, we would all be happier. I think that is a big portion of the problem we do face today. Everybody wants the champagne. The thing is we should learn to just enjoy the beer.
I should clarify that last statement by saying we are being told we need the Champagne. That is to say that wants are being placed above necessities. Yes, we need water to drink, but do we need say, Propel Fitness water at over a dollar a bottle ? I mean,seriously, do we ? Do our automobiles really have to have blue tooth and an on-board navigational system ? And do we really need to have a 60" flat screen plasma in home theater system ? Of course not but we can finance one. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. That is a lesson I was first told, then learned the hard way.
In this political correct world of today we are teaching tolerance. You're alright, I'm alright. Your personal choices are not only accepted, but being celebrated ! This is just how we have evolved, enlightened and compassionate. The marketing people haven't relented though, you still need, no, you deserve the very best of everything, it is practically a right ! The wealthy, by virtue of their wealth, should not have things that you do not. And not only that, if you don't have these things you are being deprived. You should be angry ! Demand more.
There was a time when pride of ownership was important. We are now financing that pride. Not that it is a new thing, it has been going on for a while now. I just think we need to dial it back a bit. The federal government is in debt, by trillions of dollars ! Think about that, the federal government is in debt, trillions of dollars ! Consider the taxes being paid in. Consider what must be paid out. And then consider how we, The United States of America, are borrowing money to finance our dream. Are we dreaming about beer or Champagne ? Seems obvious to me that we are buying the Champagne far too often. Then listen to all the proposed spending from the government. It won't take you long to figure it out for yourself. We have got a champagne taste and beer pocketbook for sure.
Years ago, back in the dark ages of the nineteen sixties, those in need of assistance received that help. Going to a local distribution center, they were given a box full of the staples. The necessities for living were provided. Look at what is given out today. By comparison, Champagne. Those in need of medical care were treated. No, they didn't have preventative care and wellness centers but their needs were met. All these social programs that cost us billions of dollars, can we afford them ? Are we buying the Champagne, instead of settling for a beer ? It would seem so. It is not a popular sentiment, I am aware of that. I do think it is a wise and necessary one however. I also think it is a lesson that needs to be taught. We need to encourage that attitude if we want to turn this trend around. During the great depression the Government employed millions of workers doing civil projects, building roads, national parks and such. The workers were paid a small sum but the point is they were working for whatever they got. We are headed that way again.
I don't mean to say we shouldn't help those who need it. I am saying we need to review just what it is we are doing. Think about all the regulations the government, both federal and state, are imposing upon us. How much do those regulations raise the price ? Even local regulations can significantly impact the cost of things. By demanding the very finest of everything, even with the best of intentions, does this not contribute to this problem ? The problem of, what is good enough ? Oh, we are always told that aren't we ? Never settle for what is good enough, you deserve better. You should definitely have, no, demand more than what is necessary. Good enough is not good enough.

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