Sunday, April 13, 2014

More than a Memory

This being palm Sunday, and I being a Christian, I cannot help but think about Jesus riding into Jerusalem. He mounted that donkey outside the gate of the city and rode in. He knew full well what was going to happen and what was expected of him. He rode in there to save us all and knew he must die to do so. He also knew that he would rise again, that there is life everlasting. He had to suffer and die and did so out of love. Love for you and I, love for mankind. This was to be the final act. For Christians throughout the world Jesus isn't just someone we remember, some story in a book, but a living breathing man, the son of God.
Now we do not know what will happen to us or when. We have a choice to live our lives the way Jesus taught us to live, or go another path. There is no mounting the donkey and a grand procession into the city for us, no adoring throngs await. We will go to our death in the time that has been allotted by God.
We do share a commonality with Jesus however, we can rise again and have that everlasting life. I do believe that is the desire of most of us, to be more than a memory. To be remembered far beyond this generation or the next. But it is more than a memory that we seek, it is a connection. After someone passes we say we should move on, that is true, but that doesn't mean we can not take the one who passed with us. We can maintain that contact. By repeating the words and doing the things that that person taught us, will they not still live ? As an example, I use my own father. He passed in February of 1990, yet I speak with him every day. His presence is with me, he is not forgotten. He is more than a memory to me. When I tell others of him I am sharing him, he lives on. They say as long as a mans name is spoken, he lives. I agree with that. The question then becomes, how will you be spoken of ? That question is answered by the way you live your life. Just as Jesus showed us, the answer is not in death. We must all face death to regain life. That is the message.As to whether we will become a memory, or live on in love, depends on what we do now. When your time comes will you resist or just mount up and ride right on in ?

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