Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crossing a line ?

Like quite a number of us I spend a good deal of time on social media, that is to say, Facebook. I enjoy the postings ( most of the time ) and the sharing of photographs and the like. It can be informative, fact checking is required however, and in some cases it is even, well, a social experience. My circle of  " friends " is not very large, comparatively speaking. Even in the real world I do not have a large circle of what I would consider friends and/or acquaintances. Perhaps that is the result of growing up in a small town or perhaps it is just a portion of my personality. Maybe it is a combination of both. Whatever the case may be, it is what I am comfortable with.
I feel like I "know" the majority of those that are on my timeline, or page , or whatever it is called. Some I have known for years and others are fairly new. I am somewhat familiar with their online personalities. I do think we all have an online personalty and the one we have in the flesh. They may, or may not be different. And that brings me to a question. I read a posting that was directed at no one in particular. At least it mentioned no one in particular, but reading it I wondered if it could have been directed at me ? My immediate thought following that was, why would I think that ? Everything on Facebook isn't about me. That is  ridiculous and a bit self centered. Still, as the day wore on the question nagged at me.Did that post bother me because there is truth in it as far as it concerns me ? Apparently it has touched a nerve of some kind.
At the very least it has led to some introspection. Now I'm thinking that was the purpose of the post in the first place.
I often post a quote or saying of some kind that I find inspirational or relevant. They are not directed at any one person. I wonder if others have had this same experience. I will say this will affect my postings, at least in the immediate future, until I forget about it. In the meantime, I will question my motives for writing and saying the things that I do. I think it is a very difficult task to objectively examine yourself and come to a conclusion that is unbiased. Just what is the persona I am portraying online ? I think the real question should be, is my online persona an accurate reflection of who I really am ?
I will say I think my answers are more thought out online and less reactive. That may be the result of having to type my responses in, if my first thoughts were somehow kinetically transported to the keyboard the results would be much different. Some would say it is hypocritical to say anything other than your first thoughts, but I believe a considered opinion to be more favorable. The problem however, can become, when considered opinions are read as self righteousness, or being smug.
I think that post has accomplished it's purpose. It has raised awareness in me. I should be careful how I state my opinions. I need to be less defensive. I thank the person that posted that particular observation. I hope some of my postings have the same effect. We all need reminders . The real struggle for most of us I think is not knowing what is right, but in doing what is right. I'm certainly no different than anyone else in that regard. Finding the line between self confidence and self righteousness is difficult. The first step is knowing that there is a line.

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