Friday, April 25, 2014

A lack of manners

I have expressed my opinion on the use of what I consider inappropriate language in general society. Yesterday someone shared a post showing some signs outside a veterinary clinic. The intent of the signs was to draw attention to the need to spay and neuter your pets. Whereas I agree with the message, I took exception with the wording. It is my belief that these attempts at humor on a public platform, are inappropriate, display a lack of discretion and a measure of disrespect to society in general. Certainly they could be considered humorous, if you enjoy " blue " humor but there is a time and place for that. To me it shows something of the character of the proprietor and I would not give him/her my business. I am not saying I don't enjoy a little of this humor myself, but like the language, there is a time and place for that.
I have noticed the increased display of this type of material. I see it on bumper stickers, tee shirts, billboards and signs of all kinds. I hear those that defend it, saying it is a form of free speech. I hear others defend it, saying it is funny and draws attention to their cause. Some say it is wrong, but it is alright if it draws attention to a good deed. Still others just think I'm an old guy that isn't cool. Whatever, I do feel the need to stand against this tide.
I see this and cannot help but think what it is saying about society in general. I hear much talk of respect these days, but fail to understand how that could be considered respectful. A lack of discretion and good common sense is what I see. I believe in the " polite company " rule. Do not use language or gestures that may be offensive to others until it is established that that is acceptable to them. To do otherwise is impolite. In other words, a little consideration please.
I am not advocating the restriction of free speech. I am not saying these people should not be allowed to put whatever they want on their signs. What I am saying is, I believe it is a reflection upon our society and not a very good one. If we wish to make progress we can not digress in our moral values. And this, I would say, falls into that category. I do think it is a moral choice. Do we really want to express ourselves as a bunch of street thugs ? Our choice of words does project an image of who we are. Using words or phrases simply for their shock value doesn't show me much. Anyone can string a bunch of four letter words together or make innuendo about private things, but that doesn't say much for their character. Quite the opposite I would say.
To those that say, well you can't change it so you have to live with it I would say this. I would not take any action to inhibit your freedom of expression, but I will work to change attitudes. If we remain silent we allow it to propagate. Is that not tacit approval ? Even though I may face ridicule I will speak against this and that is my exercise of free speech. I offer no judgement on those that choose to express themselves in this manner other than to say I really believe it shows a lack of manners. 

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