Tuesday, April 22, 2014


In yesterdays blog I touched upon the topic of traditions or at least what is considered traditional. Traditions are different for each of us. The refinement of a tradition occurs over generations. Sometimes those traditions disappear altogether. I think it all depends upon each of us and our personal choices. There are some that hold to strict tradition and others that will modify that tradition in a moment. I would say I personally fall somewhere in between the two extremes. Traditions are somewhat like fashion in that that go in and out of favor. They are also like fashion in that not everyone will embrace the new.
There are many things that we do that we do not necessarily think of as a tradition. Take going to church and the style of worship that is practiced there. I would say a Roman Catholic Church is very heavily steeped in tradition. Each succeeding generation practicing their faith in much the same way. There are those that feel worshiping in any other fashion would not be acceptable, that is their tradition. Traditional worship services have changed over the years, even for the most traditional. The behaviors that are accepted now would have been met with shock fifty years ago. I attended an Episcopal church growing up. Head coverings were required, by tradition, for all ladies. That is not the case today. I recall a time when guitar playing and singing a non traditional hymn in the church was, well, cutting edge. Some of the older members felt that is was a sacrilege.
As for me I enjoy my traditions. Traditions are a form of nostalgia, I think. They are the familiar and offer comfort. I do think we modify those portions of a tradition that we find inconvenient or uncomfortable. That is why they change with generations. Tradition is in the details. Things like when does the Christmas tree go up or down. Do you stuff stockings and do they have to be inspected first ? Dying eggs for Easter ? A traditional activity, even after the kids are not home anymore. I do not insist upon a tradition, but will practice it given the chance. I am aware of traditions and do feel sad when they change or disappear.
Yesterday I touched upon tradition. It was not these forms of tradition that were brought to mind however. I think what was raised was what is " traditional " in the sense of society accepting a behavior. What is considered, normal ? Traditions are normal and accepted activities by a society. Even when not everyone in that society practices that tradition. When we think of , say, a same sex marriage, we call that non-traditional. The implication being, it is different from our accepted traditions. It is unexpected. It is not necessarily judgmental in a negative way but rather a description. It is said to add clarity. It is true that the changing of a tradition may be met with prejudice and anger, there is no denying that. Inter racial dating and marriage faced the same thing and still does to a limited degree. That tradition is changing, not being met with such surprise as once it was.
The dictionary says a tradition is a belief or a behavior practiced by a society. I would add that is considered " normal " behavior. Those behaviors have certainly changed over the years. What are acceptable behaviors today would not have been tolerated not too many years ago. They would have been met either with violent protest or backyard gossip. The severity of the " infraction in tradition " determining that reaction. Yes, there are many traditions that we follow every day. We may or may not be aware of them. Should we cling to our traditions ? Ah, that is where the rub comes in. If it worked for our parents and their parents shouldn't it work for us as well ? Are all traditions good things ? The changing or complete abandonment of a tradition can be unsettling to say the least. It has always been so to go against convention. A tradition that seems innocuous to you may not be so to another. Whenever those type traditions, the seemingly innocuous ones, are challenged the society revolts. We see this happening right now in America. The issue is the retaining of tradition. Just what is the American tradition ?  The founding fathers attempted to write that down with our Constitution and later in the bill of rights. We have been interpreting that tradition ever since. It's kinda a tradition in America. 

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