Monday, March 31, 2014

PC Holiday

The holidays, you know Thanksgiving and Christmas, come with amazing speed. Happens every year once you become an adult. I think for the little children, Christmas takes a while. I was thinking about that when I looked at the calender this morning. The last day of March. It seems like those holidays were so long ago. Three months really, but what if it was October ? Wouldn't we then be saying, Christmas is almost here ? Einstein didn't explain this time thing when it comes to the holidays. Of course, I do think that there has a been a shift in time awareness since his days. Or at least, Holiday awareness.
Yes, we had Valentines day, love and candy. Then we had St. Patrick's  Day, a parade, green beer and cabbage. Easter is just around the corner. Easter is a religious observance really, but candy is to be had for the kiddies. Put in Memorial day and the next event is the Fourth of July. Parades and fireworks,barbecue and beer. A one day event ! We throw another Veterans day observance on the calender, another for celebrating the dead and we are back to the " Holidays. " They are a long way behind us right now, but starting to gain speed to rush back at us.
We have tried to make other holidays. Isn't that the real purpose behind making those three day weekends ? An attempt to get that holiday feel ? It is convenient but didn't really work. The other holidays on the calender just don't have the prestige of the big two. I wonder if that will change in the future. I mean, Christmas is a religious observance. Given the questioning of faith in America, by our government, will Christmas remain as a legal holiday ? That is something to give thought too. If we can remove prayer from schools, the recitation of the Pledge from town meetings and force Christians to pay for abortions contrary to their faith, it doesn't seem out of the question. If that happens , what happens to the calender ? Which holidays then take precedence ? Thanksgiving ? Well, there could be issues with that, the treatment of the Native Americans and all that. Maybe we should avoid that. St. Patrick ? Rather an offensive holiday to the Irish I would think with all that stereotypical behavior. Do all the Irish eat cabbage and drink beer ? They all wear green and like to fight ? Maybe we had best leave that alone as well. St. Valentines day ? It does involve a saint and that could be touchy, better leave saints out of this. The fourth of July. Yeah that is the ticket. what could be wrong with that ? Well, it isn't really the day we won our independence but we could overlook that. Of course it is a celebration of rebellion. Maybe a government should not encourage the celebration of overthrowing government. Could give the population ideas, get them all stirred up. Especially a holiday involving explosive devices. Better not do that. So that leaves a couple days to celebrate Veterans. Won't be popular with everyone though.
We are going to have to rethink this whole holiday thing. Start from scratch. Maybe just go back to celebrating the solstice. The summer and winter solstice. Who could object to that ?

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