Monday, March 3, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Ash wednesday. It is 46 days before Easter. Not all Christians observe it however. When I was growing up we were told we had to give something up for Lent. I don't remember being told the reason for that. Us kids made a game out of it. We would give up soda or candy, very specific though ( no coke ) whatever was perceived to be our favorite to make it harder. It usually lasted a few days before one of us slipped and then all bets were off. Funny how in reality we were betting on a religious observance. Little heathens that we were !
I recall going to school and seeing the Catholic kids with those ashes on their forehead. I didn't know anything about that custom. I wondered why some of the kids and adults/teachers too, had dirt on their forehead. I did find out that it was supposed to the sign of the cross. Mostly it looked like a smudge of soot to me. I haven't noticed that many people following that tradition in recent years. I wonder if it has diminished in practice or if I just aren't paying close enough attention ? I'll be looking come Wednesday while I am at work.
Will you be giving up anything for Lent ? I will not. As a child we did that because we were told we were supposed too. In an offhand way we figured we had to do that or God would be mad at us. Didn't want to risk that. Strange how after a few days we always figured that was enough. Forty six days seemed a bit excessive. After Ash Wednesday it is only 40 days to Palm Sunday. That is spring and I'm anxious to get there this year.
When I was a young boy, living at home, the Christian calendar was as important as the Gregorian. The passing of the seasons marked by significant events like Ash Wednesday,Easter and of course Christmas. It did add to the flow of things. Some of these events seem to be becoming less celebrated by the public in general. Shrove Tuesday known now more for Mardi Gras than anything else. Ash Wednesday doesn't appear as an important event anymore, at least in my observation.
I'll be asking the Grandchildren what they are giving up for Lent. I know they will participate. Each will choose something and the game begins. The results will be the same as when I was a kid and the cycle continues. Life goes on  and keeps on turning.

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