Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Going to America

I saw an interesting report on the television. This person was a retail expert. He was explaining the demise of the " mall. " After quoting a slew of facts and figures regarding shopping malls he concluded they are in decline. Online shopping is cutting into the market in a big way. I don't recall the details but he pointed out how no new malls have been built in quite a few years. He did show alternate uses for these empty mall sites however. He was showcasing one that was a themed mall catering to the Hispanic community. Not just shops but an entertainment venue, similar to being in one of the worlds at Disney. Architectural details ,food and complete with characters in costume. It was a big success. A sort of mini Mexico. Interesting idea.
Now I am all for celebrating your heritage. It is a good thing to be aware of where you came from, to pay respect to that heritage. I do question making entire mini-countries in old shopping malls. I do think we should be fostering being an American citizen however. There is more to being an American than just living here. What I'm trying to say is this seems to be promoting a type of segregation, albeit one of choice, but segregated none the less. Will not those going to these mini countries feel a sense of ownership ? And then in doing so create an atmosphere where others may not be welcomed ? I can see some social issues arising.
The main point of the report was to show how you can still make money with these malls. The opportunity awaits a savvy investor. This gentleman was quite excited about the possibilities. He was including not only shops and entertainment in his " mall " but other services as well. Health care, social services and even electronic money transfers, just like in a real foreign city ! I was left with the impression that as long as it was profitable, the social implications are secondary.
Are we going from Gated Communities to Gated Malls as well ? Gates can be erected without any material at all. The wall of segregation only requires intent. Start building these " themed "  malls, or should they be called Ethnic Centers, and I think resentment and indeed some hate may be fostered. Celebrating your heritage is a fine thing but when that celebration includes denial of your present situation, it becomes tedious. I come from German and Swedish descent. I am aware of that heritage yet I am an American. Is that not why all the millions of people have immigrated to this land, to become Americans ?
Perhaps I am overreacting. Maybe it is a viable alternative to just tearing down those malls. Those Malls are the temples to consumerism. They have become difficult to maintain however. The cost of operating the building combined with the inconvenience in getting there, is taking its' toll. Malls are not the safest of places to go. They also cannot compete with the prices available online. It is much easier to shop at home and avoid those issues. But if I can go to a different nation, one with the feel of the old neighborhood, then maybe it would be worth the risk. If I can then teach my children about their heritage and customs, with live demonstrations, it may very well be worth it. According to the gentleman on the television it would practically be an obligation on your part to do so ! Because that is what we are going to do with these abandoned Temples to Consumerism we are going to make them Cultural Centers. Of course we do need to eat and buy clothing and have entertainment while we get this cultural enlightenment. It is a win-win.
When they build the " Mayberry " cultural center I'll be the first in the door. I'll stop by Aunt B's for a good old home cooked meal. After that I'll sit on the porch with Andy and have a cold Pop. Maybe sing a song or two with the Darlins. I could teach my children those values from the old country, a place we called, America ! 

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