Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Playing Defense

I wonder about the insecurities of America. Where has the bravado gone ? Once we had the confidence to go forward boldly. Now it would seem the political correctness police have us in shackles. It appears to me the nations general reaction to anything is defensive ! Starting on the individual level that permeates our consciousness. We are offended and begin our defense immediately. The name calling and race baiting followed closely by litigation is our response. In our haste to be " correct " we fail to listen. A mere whisper or hint of anything not " approved " by the liberal media and press, and the defense begins. Under the guise of Freedom our rights are being trampled. We are free to speak as long as we say the correct things. No dissenting opinions allowed. Dissenting opinions are racist or aimed at the poor. Listen closely and you will hear it too.
I can only describe it as a child caught in a lie. They will stand by it and deny even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Indignant that you even think they are wrong or have committed an offense. No discussion allowed. Look at the current government fiasco, The affordable Care Act. The government and some supporters will not admit that it is illegal and a disaster. Like that child, they keep on denying. Look at the Presidents stand against Russia. Looks defensive and not very confident in his actions. Calling on our allies to help us. Then he sanctions seven people. Give me a break.
Who would have believed that we have to defend the right to be Christian. To practice our faith, in the established ways, and have government interfere with that right. That issue is before the Supreme court, for their opinion. The decision rests with the Congress, with the people.
All this reliance on Government is at the root of this insecurity. When the government controls your every action and makes you dependent upon that Government can the result be any different ? Like a parent that caters to their child's every need and protects them from reality, they are dependent. Then those that are dependent begin to defend. Defend what you ask ? Defend there very existence. Shields up ! Just do as you are told or big brother will take your cookies.
Well enough ranting and raving for one morning. I feel better now. I have noticed how quickly people are to be defensive in nature. Almost as if they are afraid. Paranoia could be taking hold. If you listen to the news and pay attention you can see why. We the people are being threatened. Threatened by the very government we are told to support. Read the documents of the founding fathers and you will see that they warned of this. It is time to heed those warnings. I could include a bunch of quotes but will leave that to you. We still have the best form of Government ever devised by man. I do think we need to use it wisely. Do not act from anger, but act from knowledge. Do not be afraid to question. Do not be afraid to listen either. Then decide for yourself what is right or wrong.

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