Friday, March 14, 2014

Be Patient

I think the hardest thing for us humans to learn is patience. We tend to want things now and see tangible results right away. Probably why I enjoyed my job as a furniture upholsterer as much as I did. Put that new material on there and the results are immediate. In a few hours it goes from a muslin covered plain looking lump, to a thing of beauty. Instant gratification. I get almost the safe result from painting a room, except it is a bit more tedious and involves more preparation and cleanup. It is not just with material things that we humans find ourselves impatient. When others disagree with our thoughts or statements we can all get a little testy. Follow a thread on social media and you will often see the truth in that. The conversation may start out cordial enough but usually disintegrates after a while.
I can only speak for myself but I find patience is something I lack. It is a quality I need to improve. I need to learn to just chill out and let things develop naturally. Trying to rush things never helps. I am always saying, " quality work takes time " in a seemingly joking way, but there is much truth in that. My Dad always said, if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right. Or, if you are not going to do it right, don't do it at all. That second statement really meant, you are going to do it and it will be done right ! It was a sort of parental code, like when Mom called you by your first and middle name, that didn't bode well for what was going to follow.
Even when I write these blogs of mine I seldom take the time to verify my facts. Sometimes that does lead to a problem. Generalizations almost always do that. My thinking is if I spent all the time necessary to do proper research I would never get the story written. I'm always in a hurry to get to the point. I have been known to get there so fast, even I miss it.
As our technology increases, it seems like our patience proportionately decreases. How many times do we hear ourselves say, stupid computer, so slow to load. Even with " dial up " it is still way faster than going to the library. Remember trying to look things up in the encyclopedia ? Now that took patience. Waiting for an answer to a letter. Faster and faster we go. We are getting impatient for more speed !
It has always been so I think. I suspect the cave man was impatient, come on let's get going. That was the reason he invented the wheel. Can go faster that way. The thing is though the best things in life do take time. Like being a grandparent, doesn't happen overnight. Getting the maturity and appreciation to be a grandparent doesn't happen overnight either ! Takes patience to develop those skills. Then when you get there you have to have the patience to wait for others to catch up. It is always the others that are behind, isn't it ? Seems I'm always waiting on someone else. Funny how it doesn't seem like I went too fast. Well. I'm working on that, have a little patience, will ya ? Guess that is also why when we go to the doctors we are called Patients. We will be waiting.

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