Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moral Necessity

Here is a little something to give thought to. In light of recent discussions I have been having, I have given further thought and consideration to the question of mans moral values. I think we will agree that there are certain moral values that all men share. I will explain , so as not to confuse anyone when I say man I mean all of mankind inclusive, regardless of gender,national origin, or religious affiliation or lack of affiliation. To put it succinctly everybody. Now having established that definition of man I will continue.
The central question here is just where does that basic moral value system come from ? Are we just born with it ? Or are we taught those values ? An examination of mans behaviors over the centuries and all the different cultures that have developed would suggest that they are not taught, but innate to mans character. It makes no difference if you are a Christian,Buddhist, Shinto,Jew,Muslim or Jehovahs witness or any other religion you can name, it makes no difference if you do not believe in the existence of God or any other deity. All share a common value, say, what is mine is mine and you have no right to take it. Another may be you have no right to kill me. I will defend that right ( to live ) vigorously. All of man would agree to those. Why ? Where does that stem from ? Certainly not from any man made laws. A quick look at man made law would disprove that theory rather quickly. So, if it doesn't come from man where does it come from ? Has to be something else ? Can't be from advanced education, even the cave man held those truths.
Those values are universal. All encompassing. They are the truth. What is the origin of truth ? Therein lies the question for the ages. The one question man has always sought the answer too. Man has worshipped and prayed to, made sacrifices and implored and pleaded to Gods,demons,idols,shamans or whatever to try to explain it. We have worshipped the ground and the sky. Man has always felt the need, the NECESSITY, to appease or satisfy or please whatever deity he has imagined. In more recent centuries there are those that choose to defy those innate feelings under the guise of knowledge. They are fools. The basic moral values, those natural laws of all mankind can not be repudiated. They exist. They exist without having to have a shred of evidence. And so existing they had to have been created. Created by whom ? The mind of man is incapable of understanding the infinite. Even Einstein had no explanation for that. In fact he said, " Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. " Einstein  showed no proof for the infinite nature of the universe yet he clearly believed it to be so. He also realized just how little man does know of the nature of the universe and its' creation. Einstein himself never reconciled with the idea that you can get something from nothing.
Many books and papers have been written on this subject of natural law. All are an attempt to define those laws and spell them out for man to read. Choose whatever book you prefer but none have the answer. The answer lies in our soul. And the soul exists, but where is the proof you ask ? In the conscience of man is my reply. I know what is right and wrong without being told, everything else is just mans law which is imperfect. That is why it keeps being written and rewritten, modified,codified,adjudicated and contemplated. The natural laws, those that require no proofs are absolute. Could it just be that the creator knew what he was doing ? Smarter than man ? Now there is a radical thought. You may name your Creator, you have been granted that right by that very creator, but it would not be wise to deny his existence if for no other reason than it makes you look like a fool.

fool: Definition, Synonyms from › Library › Literature & Language › Dictionary
fool n. One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. One who acts unwisely on a given occasion:

And that is what I have to say about that.

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