Thursday, November 8, 2012

Turning the page

Yesterday afternoon I met a young man. He was a rather lanky looking fellow with dark hair. It was raining outside and I offered him a ride. He got in the car and thanked me. His bright eyes and smile were infectious. I noticed a school identification tag hanging from his key ring. He spoke briefly of the weather. Who was this young man ? Why, it was my own grandson, grown up some more. I saw the change in him then, in a moment. Like turning the page in a book, a new chapter revealed. Some of the old character is there, but new features are being revealed. This is an interesting character.
Mark started middle school this year. Already I see an increase in maturity. Barely two months into the school year and the effects are becoming evident. Not only is he becoming more mature but more responsible as well. Middle school thus far being a positive influence. I can see him being transformed. The boy is becoming a young man. There is a certain sadness in this realization but it is overcome with a sense of pride. He is on a path to be special. I feel a renewed sense of responsibility. I must remind myself to choose my words and actions carefully. I am a great influence in his life. That is not a thing to be taken lightly.
This is a month of Thanks. And today I am thankful for my grandchildren. I am thankful for their love and laughter. I am thankful I can witness their growth. They are my glimpse into the future. The future is bright.
Shakespeare said, all the world is a stage and each of us merely players. I am thankful for my part and thankful I get to help shape the players of the future. Being a grandparent is an awesome responsibility but perhaps the most rewarding of all. Unless, of course, I make it to great grandparent status ! Now that would be really awesome. 

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