Friday, November 2, 2012

The latest thing

I often write about the things that used to be. Nostalgic little journeys. Yesterday though, it occurred to me that with luck someone years into the future may be reading some of my postings. That is, after all the real intent in all of this. And so I decided to include some " cutting edge " technology items. In a few years reading about those items may prove amusing. Everything changes so fast these days it is hard to keep up. This thought came to mind as I watched a television commercial for a Nikon camera. This camera has the capability to upload pictures directly to the internet. No computer required. Our phones have been able to do this for some time now but apparently the picture quality is somewhat lacking. My phone still does not have that function.
I admit I haven't done much research on this camera. Sounds pretty cool though. I wonder if this is something really new or if it just the first I have heard of it. I wonder too what sort of subscription would I have to have to be able to use it ? I think it is WIFI so I'm guessing you could do it whenever a connection is available. Send those photos to the cloud and you could take unlimited shots as long as the batteries held out. I do question the necessity of such a device. Then again, necessity has little to do with these neat little gadgets we have today. We have gone from craving the necessities to desiring the frills in life. But that has always been so. Man is insatiable in his quest for comfort and entertainment.
We never really know what will catch on and what will not. I remember thinking those cassette tapes were far superior to those eight track tapes. Analog technology, how yesterday can you get ? When the CD's were released that surely was the ultimate format, how much longer will they be around ?
One observation of mine is this, with all our modern technology and fancy new gadgets the best of things are usually produced the old fashioned way. Not as quickly, but superior in quality. Kodachrome film produced the greatest clarity in printed pictures. It is no longer produced. Hand crafted stands for quality. Grandmas cooking wasn't done in any microwave oven and little is done in them today. Good for heating or reheating though.
In an odd twist of fate only those of wealth can afford the best of things. And the best of things are not produced in a factory in China. Those items or crafts are produced by craftsman the same way they have been done for centuries. Those items survived the test of time. A hand stitched goose down comforter is still the warmest and the most desired. 

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