Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

I will not be coerced into shopping on Black Friday ! You can offer all the bargains,deals and once in a lifetime offers you want, I will not capitulate ! I refuse to be sucked into this vortex of greed and materialism. I will enjoy my holiday irregardless of the encouragement to battle the crowds for a shopping experience. Not happening.
I read a funny status posting on Facebook that struck a note with me. It says, Am I the only one that finds it ironic that we spend the most money buying new things the day after we give thanks for the things we have. Or something close to that. The truth in the statement is stark and makes you chuckle. You have too because of the honesty in it.
It may be a stereotype but I believe most men do not like to shop. I'm no exception. I don't mind if I have a list and go directly in, get the item, and leave. No browsing around, no gawking at a bunch of stuff I don't need or can't afford anyway. And now the retailers would have me stand in line for a chance to spend my money on the items they would like to get rid of. That's why they have those items " On Sale " because it is stuff they need to get out of their inventory. Not falling for it.
Shopping to me is not an experience. It is a necessity. Yeah, you gotta buy stuff. I could make a list of at least one hundred things I would rather do than go shopping. Maybe it is just me, but I think enjoying the product is more fun than shopping for it.
Listen to the news and you hear about the government heading for the fiscal cliff. Everyone agrees the government spends far too much money. More money than it receives in revenue. Yet the masses are being told to run out and spend,spend ,spend. Watch the ads on television about all the big deals. Like a herd of buffalo, the public is being herded over the cliff. To financial ruin. No problem, raise the debt ceiling.
Well, everyone is entitled to do as they see fit. I will not fall for this trap. And please, don't get me started on Cyber Monday !

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