Thursday, November 15, 2012

In a funk

I'm in a funk. I'm tired of waiting. Don't know what it is I'm waiting for, but I'm waiting. Given time this will pass. When you get tired of waiting you need to take action. How do you take action when you don't know what you're waiting for ? There is a frustration. The answer lies in doing something. As my Dad was fond of saying, either *hit or get off the pot ! The only question remaining is, do what ? What is it I'm waiting on ?
I wonder if some outside force will spur me to action. An unforeseen circumstance. Could be, as that is the usual impetus. I don't believe it will be a career change. I'm not looking for that. More money would be great I'll admit that, but I'm not waiting on that to happen. I have a lovely and caring wife. Don't require anything in that category. My needs are more than being satisfied. I have food to eat,a roof over my head and a wonderful family. I have everything anyone would be pleased to have. Still, I'm in this funk.
I am aware that this happens every now and again. I know that it happens to almost everyone. I wonder what it is about our minds that cause this ? Perhaps the old brain needs to be rebooted. Hit the refresh button. In extreme cases I suppose you could crash. I sure hope that isn't the case ! I think not and I'll try opening a new window in a different browser. Maybe that will get me out of this funk.
They say awareness of the problem is half the solution. Does it count if you know you have a problem but have no idea what the problem is ? I'll just have to keep on waiting. Wait and hope to recognize the answer. More than likely it will pass and go unsolved. Just another funk.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate! Glad to know I'm not the only one who goes through these things!
