Monday, November 26, 2012

Creations of the Past

Do you have anything that you made as a child ? A picture or a craft of some kind ? I have a few, thanks to Mom. She saved them. I have one sitting in my kitchen cabinet. The date on it is October 20, 1970. I was a junior in high school. This object was made in ceramics class. The teacher, Mr. Sherrill Webb. This same teacher taught me many things I still use everyday. Knowledge of a practical nature.
How long it has sat in my cabinet I can't say. Mom must have given it back to me at some point and I just placed it in there. I barely pay any attention to it. Except this morning. This morning I opened that door and there it sat, looking back at me. A flood of memories came back. I remembered the feel of the clay as I spun it on the wheel. I remembered applying the glaze and writing those words upon it. I vividly recalled having to design my " potters mark. " I designed a cart, the handle pointing to the right to signify Reich-art. Right Art. I recall getting an " A " for that design. Thank You Mr. Webb.
As I looked at that piece of crude pottery I couldn't help but think, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could take as much pride in the things we do as adults, as we did when we were younger. Remember the pride in accomplishment when you colored a picture just right ? Remember when you offered those gifts to someone and were certain that they would just love it !  I suppose you could call that the innocence of youth. That when we become older we become so much more sophisticated and knowledgeable. Or you could say we become more critical. More critical of ourselves and others.
When we were little we made and gave those things for the enjoyment of it. We hoped for recognition of a job well done. We expected that much and we usually got it. As we grew we came to demand more of ourselves and others. At what point we no longer try isn't as clear. When do we not allow ourselves that vulnerability ? And isn't that the central issue ? To expose yourself to criticism. Are you willing ?
When we were children we were confident. We knew that our efforts would be appreciated and even admired. As time went by that confidence was lost. Once lost, it can not be regained. Or can it ?
It is never too late to pursue your interests whatever they may be. Grandma Moses did. Maybe it is an interest you never knew you had. Grab some of that lost confidence, be vulnerable and just put it out there.
Do not be discouraged by a lack of critical acclaim or nay sayers. Pursue those interests or just enjoy the attempt.

circa 1970

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