Monday, November 5, 2012

If we can but keep it.

Living in the fog. No, not ground fog, but the fog of indecision and lack of direction. It appears our lawmakers write new laws every day to cover every possible situation. Remove anything from the realm of common sense and spell it out. Following that, they can then spend their time writing exceptions to that same law. Enter the world of fog. A world where you can not see clearly what is in front of you. A glimpse down the road and into possible repercussions is impossible. In the fog we just creep along wearily hoping not to stumble.
I remember a day in America when this was not so. I recall the days when we all knew our stations in this life. We may not have licked that station, and opportunities existed to free ourselves from that, but we certainly were aware. That was back in the days when the " dream " existed. Now they are trying to make the dream an act ! Whatever that means. The dream act. Can we regulate a dream ? Give me a break. By definition, an act is a written ordinance, a law is a rule passed by a governing body. So again we will add to the fog of uncertainty by reintroducing this act. If you are in the country illegally, a crime, but the crime isn't your fault,( you are not really here I guess), you can now receive the same in state benefits as those that are here legally.
Remember those famous words, " damn the torpedoes,full speed ahead" ? That's what I'm talking about. The course was clear. The possible results were clear, but John Paul Jones stayed the course. No exceptions. No second guessing. No excuses and no apologies. How can we as a country expect to move forward if we can not have a clear vision of that future ? The constitution of the this great land was written and spelled it out pretty clearly. It is only through the arrogance of the career politicians and lawyers that that image is being blurred. It is only through greed and jealousy that this vision of the future has been perverted. I was promised the pursuit of happiness, but I wasn't guaranteed to find it !
We pledge allegiance to the Republic not to the democracy. Lookup republic and you will discover,as I did, that a republic is government by law and a democracy is rule by majority. A big difference. In a republic even the majority of votes cannot remove certain inalienable rights, that is the protections afforded to the minority, whereas in a democracy this is not so. Ben Franklin was asked after signing the declaration of independance, what sort of government have you given us ? His reply ? A Republic if you can keep it.
That republic is being lost in the fog. A great deal of power is vested in the voters. The most important thing to remember is that even the majority vote cannot change our inalienable rights ! In the fog of government regulations,laws,acts and propositions this vision is being lost. We can clear this fog and return to the republic  our forefather envisioned and indeed the republic they formed for us all. If we can but keep it.

1 comment:

  1. We can only hope to see through the fog, see the vision and KEEP it, Ben....
